In which Jorge and JT set their Swatches and Rickroll their way back to 1988! LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Skull logo by Erik Leach @erikleach_art (Instagram) Theme: Netherworld Shanty, Kevin MacLeod ( ) Lice...
In which Jorge and JT finish up the list they started for their 150th Episode. LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Skull logo by Erik Leach @erikleach_art (Instagram) Theme: Netherworld Shanty, Kevin MacLeod ( ) Lice...
In which Jorge and JT celebrate 150, count 'em, 150 damn episodes! Can you believe it? We're not even sick of each other yet! And so to mark this auspicious occasion, we've decided on a two-part episode featuring our 25(ish) ...
In which Jorge and JT don their sacred robes, sharpen their ceremonial daggers, and clear off the altar for some worship of some of their favorite movies involving cults. LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Skull logo by Erik Leach ...
In which Jorge and JT switch on the breakers and power up some killer robots for Podferatu's first ever triple feature: The Banana Splits Movie, Willy's Wonderland, and of course, Five Nights At Freddy's! NEXT WEEK Cults, Cul...
In which Jorge and JT play another game put together by the lovely and talented Sarah. This time, we have a bunch of movie tag lines, some real, some created by AI. We have to decide A) are they real and 2) what movie they're...
2/7 The Mangler 2
Wow was this bad. The Mangler in this case has zero to do with the story or the first movie. Instead, it's evil software that our protagonist, Jo, loads into her school's network. It then takes over and starts offing people. It wa…
"Hi guys, I like your restiling here but I don't seem to be able to comment your posts anymore, since I do not own an Apple ID. That makes me sad, you know how much I love to blubber. Still listening …"