In which Jorge and JT set their Swatches and Rickroll their way back to 1988! LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Skull logo by Erik Leach @erikleach_art (Instagram) Theme: Netherworld Shanty, Kevin MacLeod ( ) Lice...
In which Jorge and JT finish up the list they started for their 150th Episode. LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Skull logo by Erik Leach @erikleach_art (Instagram) Theme: Netherworld Shanty, Kevin MacLeod ( ) Lice...
In which Jorge and JT celebrate 150, count 'em, 150 damn episodes! Can you believe it? We're not even sick of each other yet! And so to mark this auspicious occasion, we've decided on a two-part episode featuring our 25(ish) ...
In which Jorge and JT don their sacred robes, sharpen their ceremonial daggers, and clear off the altar for some worship of some of their favorite movies involving cults. LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Skull logo by Erik Leach ...
In which Jorge and JT switch on the breakers and power up some killer robots for Podferatu's first ever triple feature: The Banana Splits Movie, Willy's Wonderland, and of course, Five Nights At Freddy's! NEXT WEEK Cults, Cul...
In which Jorge and JT play another game put together by the lovely and talented Sarah. This time, we have a bunch of movie tag lines, some real, some created by AI. We have to decide A) are they real and 2) what movie they're...
In which Jorge and JT dig out those acid-wash jeans, fire up the flux capacitor, crank up some Beastie Boys and Guns N Roses, and fly back to 1987. NEXT WEEK Guess The AI Horror Movie Tag Line LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Sku...
In which Jorge and JT carve out a carefully considered compendium of incomparable John Carpenter classics. NEXT WEEK Podferatu Slashback To 1987 LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Skull logo by Erik Leach @erikleach_art (Instagram)...
In which Jorge and JT double dog dare you to check out our discussion of two of their favorite goodest, bestest boys, Max and Cujo. NEXT WEEK Podferatu Spotlight- John Carpenter NOTES -Apologies for the audio this week: lots ...
In which Jorge and JT discuss directors they desire to delve into the deep, dark domains of dread. NEXT WEEK Two Good Boys Double Feature! LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Skull logo by Erik Leach @erikleach_art (Instagram) Theme...
In which Jorge and JT fire up the stainless steel hearse yet again and head back to 1986: Baby Doc, Gorbachev, Iran-Contra, Chernobyl, and, of course, Tawny Kitaen. NEXT WEEK Directors We Think Should Try Horror LINKS Find us...
In which Jorge and JT usher in this foul year of our lord 2025 with some upcoming movies they can't wait to see. NEXT WEEK Podferatu Slashback To 1986 LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Skull logo by Erik Leach @erikleach_art (Inst...
In which Jorge and JT go through their lists of 2024 horror movies and ho-ho-hone them down to their Top and Bottom 5. NEXT WEEK What Are We Looking Forward To In 2025? LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Skull logo by Erik Leach @e...
In which Jorge and JT do not talk about the movie Would You Rather (although at some point we should), but rather play a version of Would You Rather created by the lovely and talented Sarah with the use of rather cutting edge...
In which Jorge and JT delve into the dangers of awakening the djinn as well as the merits of Andrew Divoff. Careful what you wish for! NEXT WEEK Would You Rather (AI Edition) LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Skull logo by Erik Le...
In which Jorge and JT return from a wee break just in time to jump back into the Tardis, turn on VH-1, fire up Whitney Houston's debut album, pop open a New Coke, and head back to 1985! NEXT WEEK Wishmaster/Wishmaster 2 Doubl...
In which Jorge and JT pull off the main drag to check out Slausen's Lost Oasis . IN TWO WEEKS Time for a wee break. Thanksgiving comin' up here in The Colonies, and life just be lifin', but when we come back, Podferatu Slashb...
In which Jorge and JT flip the remake script and talk about some movies they Do Not want to see remade. NEXT WEEK Tourist Trap Mini-Review LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Skull logo by Erik Leach @erikleach_art (Instagram) Theme...
In which Jorge and JT load up the lycra and clean up the Comme Des Garçons for a look back at 1984. Y'know, back when we still had democracy... NEXT WEEK No Remake Wish List LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Skull logo by Erik Lea...
In which Jorge and JT revisit the remake realm to bring you another weird, wild, whacked-out wish list. Topics under wraps so's it'll be a surprise! NEXT WEEK Podferatu Slashback To 1984 LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Skull log...
In which Jorge and JT open up that big ol' chained and padlocked chest in the attic to sort through various bits of paraphernalia that feature prominently in the horror genre. No topic list, just fer funzies. NEXT WEEK Remake...
In which Jorge and JT break out Jorge's Horror Trivial Pursuit game and try their luck with some of the questions. NEXT WEEK Iconic Horror Objects LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Skull logo by Erik Leach @erikleach_art (Instagra...
In which Jorge and JT discuss two heavy-hitting features from Argentine director Demián Rugna: Terrified and When Evil Lurks . NEXT WEEK Horror Trivial Pursuit LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Skull logo by Erik Leach @erikleach...
In which Jorge and JT reach into that shopping bag full of Aquanet, Swatches, cassettes, and Drakkar Noir to bring you their faves from 1983. NEXT WEEK Demián Rugna Double Feature LINKS Find us on Letterboxd! Skull logo by Er...