So I started this list back in 2016 when This Humble Podcast was a mere blog called Blogferatu. It began as something to do whenever I was bored but quickly became a calling, nay a weird compulsion, nay an obsession, to create a list. A list of what? All the horror movies I've ever seen. Every. Single. One.
And post it. For all the world to see.
Of course, I had to rate them.
Skull Scale
1 Had potential, still sucked
2 Not completely sorry I watched it
3 Middle of the road
4 Well worth seeing
5 Required viewing, class. This will be on the test
This is utterly subjective. A high score may not indicate artistic genius. A low score may not indicate raging incompetence. For your further amusement and bemusement, with movies I've seen multiple times, I've included that number in parentheses. When accompanied by a slash and a second number, that's how many times I saw the movie back to back in the theater (because I know you're dying to have all this information).
Eventually, I will also link movies from the podcast to their individual episodes. Cuz I'm a giver.
Please leave comments, ask questions, suggest movies, speculate about my taste/judgment/sanity. Movies get added all the time (hence "neverending") so check back often. Or not. Kiss kiss, -JT
- #Alive 3.5
- #Float 1
- 3 From Hell 2.5
- 13 Scarier Movie Moments 4
- 24 X 36 4
- 28 Days Later 4 (4/2)
- 28 Weeks Later 3 (2)
- 30 Days Of Night 2
- 30 Even Scarier Movie Moments 4
- 31 4
- 78/52: Hitchcock’s Shower Scene 5 (2)
- 101 Scariest Horror Movie Moments Of All Time 3.5 (3)
- 1922 3
- 1984 (1984) 4
- 2001 Maniacs 5
- 4D Man 2.5
- 5th Wave, The 1
- 7th Victim, The 4
- 10th Victim, The 4
- 11th Hour Cleaning 2.5
- Abbatoir 3
- Abducted In Plain Sight 4
- Abe (short) 4 (12)
- Abigail 3
- Above Majestic 3
- Addams Family, The (1991)
- Addams Family Values 1
- Adult Swim Yule Log 2.5
- Afflicted 3
- After.Life 3
- Aftermath (1994) 3 (2)
- AGFA Horror Trailer Show, The 4
- Akira 3
- Albert Fish: In Sin He Found Salvation 2
- Alexandra's Project 4
- Alien 5 (4/2)
- Alison's Birthday 3
- All My Friends Hate Me 3
- All That We Destroy 3
- All The Boys Love Mandy Lane 3
- All The Colors Of Giallo 2
- Allegoria 3.5
- Alone In The Dark 3
- Altered States 5 (3/2)
- American Gothic 3
- American Mary 4
- American Nightmare, The 4
- American Psycho 4 (4)
- American Scary 3
- American Werewolf In London, An 4 (2/2)
- American Werewolf In Paris, An 2.5
- Amityville Haunting, The 2
- Amusement 3
- And Soon The Darkness 4
- Andromeda Strain, The 3
- Anguish (1987) 3
- Another Earth 2
- Antiviral 4
- Antrum 4
- Ants 1.5
- Apaches 5
- Apartment 7A 3
- Apollo 18 3
- Apology, The 4
- Apostle 4.5
- Appendage (short) 2.5
- April Fool's Day (1986) 3.5 (2)
- Arachnophobia 3 (3)
- Arlington Road 4
- Army Of Darkness 4 (4)
- Arnold (1973) 5
- Arsenic And Old Lace 4 (8)
- Art Of The Devil 3
- As Above, So Below 4
- Astro-Zombies, The 5 (cuz Tura Satana)
- Asylum 4
- At The Earth's Core 3
- Attack Of The 50 Foot Monster Mania 3
- Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes 2.5
- Audition 5 (3)
- Autopsy Of Jane Doe, The 4
- Await Further Instructions 4
- Babadook, The 4 (2)
- Baby Jane? 4
- Baby Oopsie 2
- Baby's Room, The 3
- Babylon (analog horror) 3.5
- Bad Moon 3.5
- Bad Seed, The (1956) 5 (6)
- Bad Vegan: Fame. Fraud. Fugitives. 3.5
- Ballad Of Tam Lin, The 2 (4)
- Banana Splits Movie, The 3
- Barbarella 4 (4/2)
- Barbarian 4
- Barn Of The Naked Dead 1
- Bartleby (1972) 1
- Bartleby (2001) 3
- Basket Case 2.5
- Battle Beyond The Sun 0
- Bay, The 3
- Bay Of Blood, A 4 (as a forerunner for later movies)
- Beast From Haunted Cave 5 (3)
- Beastmaster 4 (5)
- Becky 3.5
- Beetlejuice 5 (5/2)
- Beginning Of The End 5
- Beguiled, The (1971) 3 (3)
- Beguiled, The (2017) 3
- Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon 3
- Behind The Sightings 3
- Ben 2 (2)
- Beneath 2
- Berberian Sound Studio 3
- Berlin Syndrome 3.5
- Berserk! 4 (2)
- Best Of Sex And Violence, The 1
- Better Watch Out 3
- Beware! The Blob 3 (2)
- Beware The Lake .5
- Beyond, The 3
- Beyond Re-Animator 2.5
- Beyond The Spectrum 3
- Big Man Japan 4 (2)
- Big Trouble In Little China 5 (8/3)
- Billy The Kid Vs. Dracula 2 (2)
- Birds, The 5 (6)
- Bird With The Crystal Plumage, The 5 (3)
- Birth Of The Living Dead 1
- Bite 4
- Bitter Feast 3
- Blacula 1
- Black Belly Of The Tarantula 2
- Black Cat, The (1934) 3 (4)
- Black Christmas (1974) 3 (3)
- Black Christmas (2019) 3
- Black Mirror: Black Museum 3.5
- Black Mirror: Crocodile 4
- Black Mirror: Demon 79 3.5
- Black Mirror: Fifteen Million Merits 3.5
- Black Mirror: Nosedive 4
- Black Mirror: Playtest 4
- Black Mirror: Shut Up And Dance 5
- Black Mirror: The Waldo Moment 4
- Black Mirror: White Bear 4
- Black Mountain Side 3 (2)
- Black Phone, The 4
- Black Sabbath 3
- Black Sunday (1960) 4 (3)
- Black Swan 3 (2)
- Black X-mas (2006) 3
- Blackadder's Christmas Carol 5 (12)
- Blackcoat's Daughter, The 3
- Blackwood Evil 2
- Blade 2
- Blair Witch 3
- Blair Witch Project, The 2
- Blame 4
- Bleed 2
- Bleeding House, The 3
- Blight (short) 3 (3)
- Blob, The (1958) 4 (5)
- Blob, The (1988) 4 (4/2)
- Blood & Flesh: The Reel Life & Ghastly Death Of Al Adamson 3
- Blood And Black Lace 4
- Blood Beach 4
- Blood Feast 5
- Blood For Dracula 2
- Blood Harvest 5
- Blood Of Dracula's Castle .5 (3)
- Blood On Satan's Claw, The 4
- Blood On The Reel 1
- Blood Rage 3
- Blood Tide 3
- Bloody Birthday 3
- Blue Monkey 3
- Blue Velvet 5 (3/2)
- Boar 3
- Bodies Bodies Bodies 2
- Body, The 3
- Body Snatchers 3
- Boggy Creek Monster 2
- Bone Tomahawk 4 (2)
- Boogey Man, The (1979) 3.5
- Books Of Blood 3
- Border 3
- Borderland 1.5
- Borderlands, The 3
- Boy, The 3
- Boys From Brazil, The 4
- Braindead (aka Dead Alive) 2.5
- Bram Stoker's Dracula 3
- Breach, The 3
- Bride, The 2
- Bride Of Frankenstein, The 4.5 (3)
- Bride Of Re-Animator 2
- Brightburn 3.5
- Brimstone & Treacle 3
- Brood, The 4
- Bucket Of Blood, A 4
- Bug (1975) 2 (2)
- Bug (2006) 4
- Bunny Game, The 2
- Burn, Witch, Burn (aka Night Of The Eagle) 4 (3)
- Burning, The 3
- Burnt Offerings 3
- Burrowers, The 3
- Butterfly Kisses 3.5
- Cabin Fever (2002) 4 (3/2)
- Cabin Fever (2016) 2
- Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever 2
- Cabin Fever: Patient Zero 3.5
- Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari, The 5 (4)
- Cabinet Of Caligari 2
- Calibre 3
- Caligula 4 (3)
- Call Of Cthulhu, The 4 (2)
- Calvaire 4 (2)
- Cam 3
- Camera Phone 2
- Canal, The 3
- Candy Corn 1
- Candy Snatchers, The 1
- Cannibal Ferox 0
- Cannibal Holocaust 0
- Capsules 2
- Carny (2009) 1
- Carrie (1976) 5 (4)
- Carrie (2002) 3
- Carrie (2013) 3
- Cask Of Amontillado 4
- Cat People (1982) 3
- Catacombs 2.5
- Cat's Eye 3
- Cell 2
- Celluloid Bloodbath 2
- Cemetery Man 4 (3)
- Changeling, The (1980) 4 (4)\
- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory 3.5 (5)
- Cheap Thrills 3
- Child, The (1977) 1.5
- Children, The (1980) 4
- Children, The (2008) 3
- Children Of The Corn 5 (2)
- Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things 2.5
- Chiller 13: Horror's Creepiest Kids 2.5
- Chillerama 1
- Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 1
- Christine 4
- Christmas Bloody Christmas 3
- Christmas Carol, A (1938) 3
- Christmas Carol, A ( aka Scrooge, 1951) 5 (9)
- Christmas Carol, A (1984) 3 (2)
- Christmas Carol, A (1999) 4
- Christmas Evil 3
- Christmas Horror Story, A 3
- Christmas Tale, A 3
- Church, The 3.5
- Circus Of Fear 3
- City Of The Dead 3
- City Of The Living Dead 3
- Class Of 1999 2
- Cleaning Lady, The 3.5
- Cleansing Hour, The 3.5
- Clockwork Orange, A 5 (10)
- Close Your Eyes (aka Doctor Sleep) 3.5
- Cloverfield Paradox, The 3
- Clown 3.5
- Clowntergeist 1.5
- Coherence 4
- Collector, The 3
- Color Out Of Space, The (2019) 4 (3)
- Colour From The Dark 3
- Colour Out Of Space (2010) 4
- Come Out And Play 4
- Commune (short) 5 (3)
- Conjuring, The 3
- Conjuring II, The 3
- Conspiracy, The 4
- Constantine 3.5
- Constantine: City Of Demons 3.5
- Contagion 4
- Cooties 2.5
- Coraline 5 (3)
- Corman's World 3
- Corpse Grinders, The 5
- Corridor, The 3
- Corruption 3
- Crackle Of Death 3
- Craft, The: Legacy 2.5
- Cramps: Live At Napa State Mental Hospital, The 5
- Cran, The 3.5
- Crawling Eye, The 4 (3)
- Crazies, The (1973) 4 (2)
- Crazies, The (2010) 3
- Creature From The Black Lagoon 5 (10)
- Creature From The Haunted Sea 1
- Creature Walks Among Us, The 2
- Creep 4 (3)
- Creep 2 2
- Creeping Terror, The .5
- Creepshow 5 (9/2)
- Creepshow II 4 (5)
- Crime Scene: The Vanishing At The Cecil Hotel 4
- Crimes Of Passion 4 (2)
- Crimson Peak 3
- Cronos 4 (2)
- Crow Valley 2
- Cthulhu 1
- Cube 4
- Cube II: Hypercube 3
- Cube Zero 3.5
- Cujo 3
- Cult Following 1
- Culture Shock 3.5
- Cure For Wellness, A 3.5
- Curse, The (1987) 3 (plus 13-year-old Wil Wheaton)
- Curse Of The Werewolf, The 2.5
- Curtains 3
- Cutting Class 1
- Cypress Beauty (analog horror) 4
- Damien: The Omen II 2.5
- Dark City 3.5
- Dark Dungeons 1
- Dark Flower 2
- Dark Mountain 3
- Dark Night Of The Scarecrow 2: Straweyes .5
- Dark Shadows 3
- Dark Song, A 3.5
- Dark Spell 2.5
- Dark Tapes, The 3
- Darkman 4
- Dashcam 2
- Dawn Of The Dead (1978) 4 (2)
- Day Of The Beast, The 3.5
- Day Of The Triffids, The 4 (2)
- Day The Earth Froze, The 5 (2)
- Day The Earth Stood Still, The (1951) 5 (7)
- Dead And Breakfast 2 (2)
- Dead And Buried 3.5
- Dead Don't Die, The 3
- Dead Man's Shoes 3
- Dead Men Walk 3.5
- Dead Of Night (1945) 4 (3)
- Dead Of Winter 4 (2)
- Dead Ringer 4 (3)
- Dead Ringers 3.5 (3/2)
- Dead Silence 3.5 (2/2)
- Dead Snow 4
- Dead Space: Downfall 3
- Dead Whisper 4
- Deadhouse Dark 3
- Deadly Blessing 3.5
- Deadly Friend 3.5 (3)
- Deadstream 3.5
- Death Becomes Her 3
- Death Game 5 (2)
- Death Proof 4 (4)
- Death Race 2000 5 (6)
- Deathdream 3.5
- Deep House, The 3
- Deep Red 4.5
- Deep Space 2
- Deliverance 5 (10)
- Delivery: The Beast Within 3.5
- Dementia 3
- Dementia 13 4 (2)
- Demon 4
- Demon And The Mummy 3
- Demon Seed 3
- Demonia 2
- Demons 3
- Dentist, The 3.5 (4/2)
- Dentist II, The 3.5
- Deranged 3.5
- Descent, The 2.5
- Desolate 2.5
- Desperation 3
- Destroy All Monsters 4 (3)
- Devil Doll (1964) 5
- Devil In The Family: The Fall Of Ruby Franke 4
- Devil Rides Out, The 3
- Devil We Know, The 3
- Devils, The 5 (2)
- Devil's Bath, The 3.5
- Devil's Doorway, The 3
- Devil's Pass (The Dyatlov Pass Incident) 3
- Devil's Rejects, The 5 (5/2)
- Devil's Workshop 3.5
- Diabolique 5
- Diary Of The Dead 2
- Die! Die! My Darling! 3.5
- Die, Monster, Die! 3.5 (3)
- Digging Up The Marrow 3
- Direct To Video: Straight To Video Horror Of The 90s 3.5
- Dirties, The 3.5
- District 9 3.5 (2/2)
- Disturbia 2
- Doctor Sleep 4
- Documenting The Witch Path -5
- Doll Graveyard 2.5
- Dolls 3.5
- Dolores Claiborne 3.5 (3/2)
- Donkey Punch 1
- Donnie Darko 4 (3/2)
- Don't Breathe 2.5
- Don't F**k With Cats: Hunting An Internet Killer 4
- Don't Hang Up 3.5
- Don't Look In The Basement 3.5
- Don't Look Now 5 (2)
- Don't Torture A Duckling 4
- Dorian Gray (1970) 3.5
- Double Blind 3
- Down 3
- Dr. Cyclops 3.5
- Dr. Death: The Undoctored Story 4
- Dr. Giggles 3
- Dr. Phibes Rises Again 4 (3)
- Dr. Strangelove 5 (5)
- Dr. Terror's House Of Horrors 3 (3)
- Dracula (1931) 3 (3)
- Drag Me To Hell 3 (2/2)
- Drawing Flies 2
- Dressed To Kill 3.5
- Driller Killer, The 3.5
- Drop Dead Gorgeous 3
- Droving, The 3
- Duel 4 (2)
- Dunwich Horror, The (1970) 1
- Dunwich Horror, The (2009) 2
- Eaten Alive 4
- Effects 2
- Eight Immortals Restaurant: The Untold Story 3
- Elysium 3.5 (3)
- Emotion (short) 3.5
- Empire Of The Ants 2
- Endless, The 3.5
- Enduring Love 4
- Equinox 5 (as influence on Evil Dead)
- Eraserhead 5 (2)
- Europa Report 3.5 (2)
- Even Lambs Have Teeth 3
- Evening With Edgar Allan Poe, An 3.5 (2)
- Event Horizon 3.5
- Eve's Bayou 3.5
- Everything Is Terrible Presents: The Great Satan 3
- Evidence (2012) 2
- Evil Clergyman, The 3
- Evil Dead, The (1981) 5 (6)
- Evil Dead 2 4
- Evil Dead (2013) 3.5 (2)
- Evil Dead Rise 3.5
- Exam 3
- Exorcism Of Emily Rose, The 3
- Exorcist, The 5
- Exorcist III 4
- Extraordinary Tales 4
- Eyeball 3.5
- Eyes Without A Face 4
- Faces Of Death 2 1
- Facing East 3
- Fade To Black 3.5
- Fall 3
- Fall Of The House Of Usher, The 3
- Falling, The 3.5
- Fantasy Island 2.5
- Fascination 2
- Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! 5 (5)
- Favourite, The 2
- Fawn 3
- Fear Footage, The 2.5
- Fear No Evil 4 (3)
- Feast 3.5
- Fido 3
- Field In England, A 4.5
- Fiend Without A Face 3
- Fight Club 5 (3/2)
- Film House Fever 3
- Final, The 3.5
- Final Conflict, The: Omen III 2.5
- Final Sacrifice, The 2 (bonus Rowsdower point)
- Finishing Line, The 3
- FirstBorn 2
- First Omen, The 4
- Five Nights At Freddy's 3.5
- Flannery 3
- Flatliners (1989) 3
- Flatwoods Monster: A Legacy Of Fear, The 2
- Flesh & Blood 2
- Flesh For Frankenstein 3
- Flock, The .5
- Flora 3
- Fly, The (1958) 4 (3)
- Fly, The (1986) 4 (3/2)
- Fog, The (1980) 3.5 (2/2)
- Fog City 2
- Follow Me 3
- Followed 3
- Followers 3
- Fool's Fire 3.5
- Forget Me Not 3
- Found Footage 3D 3
- Found Footage Phenomenon, The 4
- Frailty 3.5
- Frankenstein (1931) 5 (4)
- Frankenstein (1994) 3
- Frankenstein Conquers The World 4
- Frazier Park Recut 3.5
- Freaks 5 (5)
- Freaky 2.5
- Freddy Vs. Jason 2.5
- Free Fall, The 3.5
- Freeze 1
- Frenzy 3
- Fresh 4
- Friday The 13th (1980) 3.5 (4/2)
- Friday The 13th (2009) 3.5
- Friday The 13th Part II 3 (3)
- Friday The 13th Part III 2.5
- Friday The 13th Part IV: The Final Chapter 2
- Friday The 13th Part V: A New Beginning 2
- Friday The 13th Part VI: Jason Lives 2
- Friday The 13th Part VII: The New Blood 2.5
- Friday The 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan 1.5
- Fright Night (1985) 4 (3/2)
- Frightmare 4
- Frogs 4.5 (4)
- From A House On Willow Street 3.5
- From A Whisper To A Scream 3.5
- From Dusk Til Dawn 4.5 (4/2)
- Frozen (2010) 3
- Funhouse, The 2
- Fury Of The Demon 4
- Gags The Clown 3.5
- Galaxy Of Terror 5 (3/2)
- Gappa, The Triphibian Monster 3.5
- Gate, The 3.5
- Gate II, The 1
- German Angst 3.5
- Get Out 5 (5/2)
- Getaway 3.5
- Ghost Galleon, The 3
- Ghost Ship (2002) 3.5
- Ghost Story 4 (2/2)
- Ghost Story, A 3
- Ghostbusters 4 (6/2)
- Ghostbusters 2 3 (2)
- Ghostland 4
- Ghostwatch 4
- Ghoul, The 3.5
- Giant Claw, The 5
- Giant Gila Monster, The .5
- Girl In The Picture 3.5
- God Told Me To 3
- Godzilla (1954) 5 (4)
- Godzilla Vs. Megalon 5 (2)
- Godzilla Vs. The Smog Monster 1
- Going Clear: Scientology And The Prison Of Belief 4
- Gone Girl 3.5
- Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum 3
- Goodnight Mommy 4
- Good Son, The 3.5
- Good Tidings 3.5
- Gorgo 3
- Gorgon, The 3
- Gothic 3.5 (2)
- Gothic World Of Daphne De Maurier, The 3
- Grapes Of Death, The 3.5
- Grave Encounters 3.5
- Grave Encounters II 3.5
- Graveyard Shift 3.5 (3)
- Greasy Strangler, The 4
- Green Inferno, The 2
- Green Slime, The 4.5
- Gremlins 3.5 (2)
- Grindhouse Nightmares 1
- Growth 3
- Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio 4.5
- Hail Satan? 4.5 (3)
- Halloween (1978) 5 (10/4)
- Halloween (2007) 4 (3/2)
- Halloween (2018) 4
- Halloween II (1981) 3.5 (2/2)
- Halloween II (2009) 3.5 (2/2)
- Halloween III: Season Of The Witch 4 (3/2)
- Halloween IV 2
- Halloween V 1
- Halloween H20: 20 Years Later 3
- Halloween Ends 3.5
- Halloween Kills 1.5
- Halloween: Resurrection 2
- Halloween: The Curse Of Michael Myers 2.5
- Hand, The (1981) 3.5
- Happening, The 1.5
- Happy Death Day 3.5
- Happy Death Day 2U 3
- Harbinger Down 2
- Hard Candy 4
- Harold And Maude 5 (3)
- Harrow, The 3
- Hatchet 3
- Hatchet 2 2
- Hatchet 3 2
- Hatchet For A Honeymoon 3
- Haunted World Of El Superbeasto, The 4 (3)
- Haunters: The Art Of The Scare 3.5
- Haunting, The (1963) 4
- Haunting, The (1999) 3
- Haunting In Silver Falls, A 2.5
- Haunting Of Molly Hartley, The 3 (2)
- Hausu 5
- Häxan 5 (4)
- He Never Died 3.5
- Head Of The Family 2
- Heavy Metal 4 (4)
- Heavy Metal 2000 2
- Heidi (2014) 2
- Hell House LLC 3.5
- Hell House II: The Abaddon Hotel 3
- Hell House III: Lake Of Fire 2
- Hell Night 3
- Hellbound: Hellraiser 2 3.5 (3/2)
- Hellboy 3.5
- Hellboy (2019) 3
- Hellboy II: The Golden Army 3
- Hellions 2
- Hellraiser (1987) 4 (5/3)
- Hellraiser (2022) 4
- Hell's Bells: The Dangers Of Rock n' Roll 1
- Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer 4
- Heretic 3.5
- He's Out There 2
- Hide The Monster 3
- Hidden 3 (2)
- Hidden, The 3 (2/2)
- Hidden 2, The 2
- High Anxiety 3.5 (2)
- High-Rise 3.5
- High Tension 3.5
- Hills Run Red, The 3
- History Of Horror, A 3
- Hitchcock/Truffaut 5 (4)
- Hitcher, The 3.5 (2/2)
- Hoax 3
- Holy Ghost People (1967) 3.5
- Holy Ghost People (2013) 2.5
- Holy Hell 3
- Homicidal 5 (7)
- Honeydew 3
- Honeymoon 3.5
- Honeymoon Killers, The 4
- Horrible Way To Die, A 2
- Horror Express 2 (3)
- Horror Noire: A History Of Black Horror 5
- Horror Of It All, The 3
- Host 3
- Host, The 4 (2)
- Hostel 4.5 (3/2)
- Hostel 3 2.5
- Hot Fuzz 3.5 (2/2)
- House (1985) 3.5 (3/2)
- House (2008) 2.5
- House II 3
- House By The Cemetery, The 3
- House In Between, The 3
- House In Sherwood, The ouse Next Door, The (2006) 3
- House Next Door, The 3
- House Of 1000 Corpses 3.5
- House Of Dark Shadows 2 (3)
- House Of The Devil 3
- House Of Usher 3
- House Of Wax (2005) 2.5
- House Of Whipcord 3.5
- House On Haunted Hill (1959) 3.5 (3)
- House On Haunted Hill (1999) 3
- House On Mansfield Street, The 2
- House That Dripped Blood, The 3
- Houses October Built, The 3.5
- Houses October Built II, The 3
- How Awful About Allan 3 (2)
- How The Devil Got His Horns: A Diabolical Tale 4 (3)
- Howard's Mill 3.5
- Howling, The 3.5
- Howling II: Your Sister Is A Werewolf 2
- H.P. Lovecraft's Dreams In The Witch-House 3
- H.P. Lovecraft's Witch House 1.5
- Humanoids From The Deep 2.5
- Hunger, The 2
- Hush 3.5
- Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte 5 (6)
- Hypnotica (aka Doctor Sleep) 3
- I Am Legend 3
- I Bury The Living 3.5
- I Care A Lot 3.5 (2)
- I, Claudius 5
- I Didn't Come Here To Die 2.5
- I Drink Your Blood 4.5
- I Eat Your Skin 1
- I Know What You Did Last Summer 2
- I Saw The Devil 10
- I Spit On Your Grave (aka Day Of The Woman) 4.5 (3)
- I Spit On Your Grave (2010) 3
- I Spit On Your Grave II 2.5
- I Spit On Your Grave III: Vengeance Is Mine 3
- I Walked With A Zombie 2
- Ils (aka Them) 4.5 (2)
- I'm Thinking Of Ending Things 1
- Immaculate 2.5
- In A Glass Cage 3
- In Bruges 4
- In Search Of Darkness 4
- In Search Of Darkness: Part II 4
- In Search Of Darkness: Part III 5
- In The Forest 2.5
- In The Mouth Of Madness 3
- In The Shadow Of Kilimanjaro 2
- In The Tall Grass 3.5
- InAlienable 2.5
- Incident At Loch Ness 3
- Incident On And Off A Mountain Road 2.5
- Incredible Melting Man, The 4
- Incredible Shrinking Man, The 4
- Indigenous 2
- Infection 3.5
- Infernal Cauldron, The 3.5
- Infested 3.5
- Infinity Pool 4.5
- Innkeepers, The 2.5
- Inside 4.5
- Insidious 3
- Institute, The 2.5
- Interview With The Vampire 4.5 (4/2)
- Intruders 3.5
- Invaders From Mars (1986) 2
- Invasion Of The Bee Girls 4
- Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1956) 3.5
- Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1978) 4.5 (6/2)
- Invasion On Chestnut Ridge 3.5
- Investigation: A Haunting In Sherwood, The 1
- Invisible Man, The (1933) 5 (8)
- Invisible Man, The (2020) 4
- Invitation, The 3
- Irréversible 4
- It (1990 minseries) 3.5
- It (2017) 3.5
- It Follows 2
- It Lives In The Attic 2.5
- Itch (analog horror) 3
- Jac Mac And Rad Boy Go (short) 5 (10)
- Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday 2.5
- Jason X 3
- Jaws 5 (5/3)
- Jaws II 3 (3/2)
- Jaws 3D 1
- Jeffrey Dahmer Files, The 2.5
- Jennifer's Body 3
- Jeruzalem 3
- Jester, The, Ch. I (short) 3.5 (5)
- Jester, The, Ch. II (short) 3.5 (5)
- Jester, The, Ch. III (short) 3.5 (5)
- Jigsaw 3.5
- Jonestown: Paradise Lost 4
- Joy Ride 3 2
- Ju-on: The Grudge 3.5
- Jug Face 3
- Junji Ito Collection 3.5
- Junji Ito Collection: Tomie 3.5
- Jurassic Park 4 (2)
- Justice League Dark 3.5
- Justice League: Gods And Monsters 3.5
- K-Shop 3.5
- Kaleidoscope (series) 3.5
- Kalley's Last Review (short) 3.5
- Keep, The 4
- Keep Sweet: Pray And Obey 4.5
- Keepers, The 4
- Kill, Baby Kill 3.5
- Killer Eye, The .5
- Killer Legends 3
- Killjoy .5
- Kindred, The 2
- King Kong (1933) 5 (4)
- King Kong (1976) 2
- King Kong (2005) 2.5
- Kiss Of The Tarantula 4.5 (3)
- Knives Out 4
- Krampus 2
- Kwaidan 4.5
- La Llorona 3.5
- Laboratory Conditions 3.5
- Lady In A Cage 4.5
- Lady In The Water 3
- Lair Of The White Worm, The 4.5 (3)
- Lake Mungo 4
- Landing, The 2.5
- Larva 2.5
- Laserblast 4 (2)
- Last Broadcast, The 3
- Last Exorcism, The 3.5
- Last House On The Left, The (1972) 2 (2)
- Last House On The Left, The (2009) 2
- Last Lovecraft: Relic Of Cthulhu, The 2.5
- Last Man On Earth, The 2.5
- Last Shift 2.5
- Last Straw 2.5
- Late Night With The Devil 4.5
- Late Phases 3
- Laugh, Clown, Laugh 5
- Leap Of Faith: William Friedkin On The Exorcist 4
- Leatherface (2017) 4
- Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990) 2
- Leave Her To Heaven 5 (3)
- Legend 4 (3/2)
- Legend Of Boggy Creek, The 2
- Legend Of Hell House, The 3.5 (3)
- Legend Of The Seven Golden Vampires 4 (2)
- Legion 2.5
- Lesson, The 3.5
- Let's Be Evil .5
- Let's Scare Jessica To Death 4 (2)
- Levenger Tapes, The 3
- Leviathan 2
- Life 2
- Lifeforce 3.5
- Lighthouse, The 4
- Lily C.A.T. 4.5
- Lips Of Blood 3 (2)
- Liquid Sky 4.5
- Lisa, Lisa (aka Axe) 2
- Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane, The 4
- Little Shop Of Horrors, The (1960) 2
- Little Shop Of Horrors (1986) 2
- Living Dead At Manchester Morgue, The 3.5
- Lo 3.5
- Lobster, The 1
- Locket, The 4.5
- Lodge, The 4
- Logan's Run 4
- Lokis: A Manuscript Of Professor Wittenbach 3
- Long Night, The 1.5
- Longest Yard, The (1974) 4
- Lord Of The Rings (1978) 4 (4/2)
- Lost Boys, The 4 (5/2)
- Lost Highway 4.5
- Lost Hope (short) 4
- Lost Weekend, The 5 (4)
- Love And Terror On The Howling Plains Of Nowhere 3.5
- Love Witch, The 4 (3/2)
- Loved Ones, The 3.5
- Lovely, Dark, And Deep 3
- Lupo The Butcher 5 (7)
- Lurking Fear 1.5
- M 5 (2)
- M3gan 3
- Ma 2
- Madison County 2
- MadS 4
- Madman 2
- Magic 4 (3/2)
- Magic Magic 3
- Malignant 3.5
- Mama 2
- Mandrake 3
- Manor, The 3.5
- Maniac Cop (1988) 3
- Maniac Cop 2 3.5
- Maniac Cop 3 3
- Manos: The Hands Of Fate 5 (7)
- Man Vs. 2.5
- Mandy 4
- Manhunter 4
- Margaux 1
- Mark Of The Devil 4 (3)
- Mars Attacks 3.5 (2/2)
- Marshes, The 1
- Mask, The (1961) 5 (4)
- Masque Of The Red Death, The 2.5 (5)
- Massacre At Central High 4.5 (4)
- Matango 3 (2)
- Mausoleum 2
- Maximum Overdrive 2.5
- Maxxxine 3.5
- Mayhem 3.5
- McKinney Family Tapes (analog horror) 3.5
- Memory: The Origins Of Alien 4
- Men 3
- Menu, The 5
- Meow (short) 3.5 (3)
- Mesa Of Lost Women 5 (3)
- Metamorphosis: The Alien Factor (aka Deadly Spawn II) 2.5
- Metropolis 5 (2)
- Mickey's Christmas Carol 1
- Midnight Mass 2.5
- Midnight Movies: From The Margin To The Mainstream 4
- Midsommar 5 (4
- Milk & Serial 4.5
- MK Ultra 1.5
- Mohawk 3
- Moloch 2.5
- Mom And Dad 3.5
- Mommy Dead And Dearest 3.5
- Mondo Bizarro 0
- Mondo Freudo 0
- Mondo Cane 0.5 (2)
- Monk, The 3.5
- Monkey Shines 3
- Monster House 3
- Monster Project, The 2
- Monsterland 2.5
- Monster Squad, The 3
- Monsters Gone Wild 2
- Monsters Wanted 3
- Monstrosity 4
- Moon And The Sledgehammer, The 4
- Moon Of The Wolf 2
- Moonstalker 2.5
- Moors Murders, The 3
- Mortal Remains 3
- Mortuary 2.5
- Most Beautiful Island 3.5
- Motel Hell 4.5 (3/2)
- Mother's Day (1980) 3
- Movie Hoarders: From VHS To DVD And Beyond 2.5
- Mr. Jones 3.5
- Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol 3.5 (12)
- Ms .45 3.5
- Mulholland Drive 4
- Mummy, The (1932) 4 (3)
- Mummy, The (1999) 3.5
- Mummy's Ghost, The 3
- Mumsy, Nanny, Sonny & Girly (aka Girly) 3.5
- My Amityville Horror 3.5
- My Bloody Valentine (1981) 3
- My Blood Valentine (2006) 2.5
- Mystics In Bali 4
- Naked You Die (aka The Young The Evil And The Savage) 1.5
- Nanny, The 4
- Nasty Piece Of Work, A 3.5
- Nature's Grave 1
- Navy SEALs: The Battle For New Orleans .5
- Near Dark 4.5 (4/2)
- Necronomicon 3
- Needful Things 3.5
- Nefarious 1
- Nest, The (short) 4
- Nesting, The 3
- New Chilling Tales: The Anthology 3
- New Year, New You 3
- Nietzermann 3.5 (3)
- Night Creatures (aka Captain Clegg) 3
- Night Evelyn Came Out Of The Grave, The 3.5
- Night House, The 3.5
- Night Of Dark Shadows 2.5 (3)
- Night Of The Blood Beast 1
- Night Of The Comet 2 (2)
- Night Of The Creeps 5 (5)
- Night Of The Creeps 2: Zombietown 2
- Night Of The Demon (aka Curse Of The Demon) 5 (3)
- Night Of The Demons (1988) 4
- Night Of The Hunter 5 (3)
- Night Of The Lepus 5 (3)
- Night Of The Living Dead (1968) 5 (15)
- Night Of The Living Dead: Reanimated 1
- Night Of The Missing 2.5
- Night Of The Seagulls 3.5 (3)
- Night Stalker, The (1972) 4 (4)
- Night Strangler, The 3
- Nightbreed 3
- Nightmare 3.5
- Nightmare, The 3.5
- Nightmare Alley (1947) 5 (4)
- Nightmare Alley (2021) 4.5 (2)
- Nightmare Before Christmas, The 4 (6)
- Nightmare City 3.5
- Nightmare On Elm Street, A (1984) 2
- Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors 3 (2)
- Nightmares In Red, White And Blue 4 (2)
- No One Will Save You 4
- Nobodies, The 5
- Nocebo 2.5
- Nope 3.5
- Noroi: The Curse 4.5
- Northanger Abbey 2
- Nosferatu (1922) 5 (7)
- Nosferatu (1979) 4 (3)
- Not Just Fun & Games 1
- Not Quite Hollywood 4
- Not Of This Earth 2
- Nursery Rhyme 2.5
- Oblong Box, The 2
- Odd Thomas 3
- Of Unknown Origin 3 (2)
- Offseason 3.5
- Old Dark House, The 4
- Omen, The (1976) 3 (2)
- Omen, The (2006) 2.5
- One Cut Of The Dead 4
- One Dark Night 2
- One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest 5 (12)
- One Got Fat 2
- One Hour Photo 4
- One Remains 3
- Only Lovers Left Alive 3.5
- Onyx The Fortuitous And The Talisman Of Souls 3.5
- Opera 3
- Orca 2 (2)
- Organ Trail 2
- Orphan: First Kill 3.5
- Orphanage, The 4
- Other, The 3.5 (2)
- Others, The 3.5
- Otis 4
- Ouija Experiment, The 2
- Ouija: Origin Of Evil 3.5
- Our Father 3
- Outwaters, The 1.5
- Over The Edge 3.5
- Overlord 2.5
- Owners, The 3.5 (3/3)
- Pacific Heights 2.5
- Pandorum 2.5
- Pan's Labyrinth 5 (3)
- Paper Man 2
- Paradise Lost .5
- Paranormal Activity 4.5 (3)
- Paranormal Activity 2 3.5
- Paranormal Activity 3 3.5
- Paranormal Activity 4 3
- Paranormal Activity: Next Of Kin 3.5
- ParaNorman 3.5
- Parasite (2019) 4.5
- Parasitic 2
- Patients Of A Saint 3
- Pearl 4.5
- Peeping Tom 5 (3)
- Pee-wee's Big Adventure 3.5
- Penda's Fen 2
- People Under The Stairs, The 3.5
- Perfect Blue 4
- Perfect Host, The 3.5
- Perfect Crime: Leopold & Loeb, The 3
- Perfection, The 3.5
- Pet Sematary (1989) 3.5
- Pet Sematary (2019) 3.5
- Phantasm 4.5 (3)
- Phantom From 10,000 Leagues 2
- Phantom Of The Opera, The (1925) 5 (4)
- Phantom Of The Opera (1943) 2.5
- Phantom Of The Opera, The (2004) 2
- Phantom Thread 4.5
- Phase IV 3
- Phenomena 3
- Phoenix Forgotten 3.5
- Phoenix Tapes '97, The 2.5
- Photograph, A 3
- Picture Of Dorian Gray, The (1945) 4 (3)
- Picture Of Dorian Gray, The (1973) 3
- Pieces 2
- Piercing 4
- Pig Farm, The 3
- Piggy 4
- Pigs (aka Daddy's Deadly Darling) 4
- Pike County Murders: A Family Massacre, The 3.5
- Pilgrim 3
- Piñata: Survival Island 2 (3)
- PIN 3.5
- Pink Flamingoes 5 (2)
- Piranha 2
- Pit, The (1981) 3 (3)
- Planet Terror 4
- Play Misty For Me 4
- Poltergeist (1982) 3.5 (3)\
- Poltergeist 2: The Other Side 2
- Pontypool 4 (2)
- Pooka! 3.5 (3)
- Popcorn 3.5
- Popular Mechanics (short) 3.5
- Possession, The 3
- Predator: The Quietus 1
- Premature Burial, The 3.5
- Premonition, The 1.5
- Prevenge 3.5
- Primal 3
- Primal Screen 3.5
- Primer 4 (3)
- Prince Of Darkness 3
- Private Parts 3
- Prom Night (1980) 2.5
- Prophecy 3.5
- Prophecy, The 4
- Psycho (1960) 5 (25)
- Psycho (1998) 2
- Psycho II 4.5 (7/2)
- Psycho III 3.5
- Psycho IV 3
- Psycho Beach Party 1
- Pumpkinhead 2.5
- Puppet Master 4
- Pure 4
- Pyewacket 3.5
- Quarantine 2
- Quatermass And The Pit 4
- Quatermass 2 4
- Quatermass Xperiment, The 4
- Quicksilver Highway 3
- Queen Of The Damned 2
- Quiet Earth, The 4
- Quiet Ones, The 3.5
- Quiet Place, A 3.5
- Rabid (2019) 4
- Radium Girls 3
- Ranger, The 2.5
- Race With The Devil 3 (2)
- Rage: Carrie 2, The 3
- Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale 3.5 (2)
- Rare Exports Inc. (short) 4 (4)
- Rare Exports: The Official Safety Instructions (short) 4.5 (5)
- Ratched 4.5
- Rats 4 (2)
- Ravenous (1999) 4
- Ravenous (2017) 3.5
- Raven's Hollow 3
- Re-Animator 4.5
- Ready Or Not 3.5
- Real Cases Of Shadow People: The Sarah McCormick Story 1.5
- Real Friend, A 3.5
- Rear Window 4.5 (2)
- REC 4
- REC II 4
- REC III: Genesis 3.5
- REC IV: Apocalypse 3.5
- Red Letter Day 3.5
- Red Riding: The Year Of Our Lord 1974 3.5
- Red Riding: The Year Of Our Lord 1980 4
- Red Riding: The Year Of Our Lord 1983 4
- Red State 4 (2)
- Rejuvenatrix 1
- Relic, The 3.5
- Renfield 3.5
- Reptile, The 4
- Repo Man 4.5 (6)
- Repulsion 5 (3)
- Requiem For A Dream 4
- Resident Evil: Extinction 2
- Rest Stop. (2019 short) 4
- Resurrected, The 3.5
- Resurrection 4.5
- Return Of The Fly 2.5
- Return Of The Blind Dead (aka Attack Of The Blind Dead) 3.5
- Return Of The Living Dead 4 (3)
- Return To Horror High 3
- Return To Oz 3
- Revenge Of Frankenstein 3.5
- Revenge Of The Creature 3.5 (3)
- Revenge Of The Zombies 2
- Rezort, The 2.5
- Reversal Of Fortune 4.5
- Revival Of Evil 1
- Rig, The 1
- Ring, The 4 (2)
- Ritual, The 3.5
- Rituals (aka The Creeper) 4 (3)
- Robbie Ain't Right No More (short) 2.5
- Robot Jox 3
- Robot Monster 5 (2)
- Rocky Horror Picture Show, The 5 (12)
- Rodan 4 (3)
- Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 4
- Room 237 5 (3)
- Rope 4.5 (2)
- Rorschach 2
- Rose Red 2.5
- Ruby 2
- Ruins, The 4 (2)
- Rumpelstiltskin 2.5
- Running Man, The 4 (3)
- Sacrament, The 4
- Sadness, The 3
- Saloum 3.5
- Saltburn 4.5
- Santa Claus Conquers The Martians 0 (2)
- Satan Wants You 3
- Satanic Panic And The Religious Battle For The Imagination, The 3.5
- Saturday The 14th 2
- Savageland 4.5
- Saw 4 (3)
- Saw 3d
- Saw II (2)
- Saw III
- Saw IV
- Saw V
- Saw VI
- Saw X
- Scanners 2: The New Order 2
- Scare Campaign 3
- Scarecrows 2
- Scariest Monsters In America 1
- Scary Stories 3
- Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark 3.5
- Schizo 2.5
- School Spirit 3
- Scooby-Doo And The Witch's Ghost 3.5
- Scooby-Doo Meets The Addams Family 3.5
- Scooby-Doo On Zombie Island 4
- Scream 2
- Scream And Scream Again 1.5
- Scream For Help 2.5
- Scream Of Fear 4
- Scrooge (1935) 3 (3)
- Scrooge (1970) 2
- Scrooged 2
- Sea Fever 3
- Season Of The Witch (aka Hungry Wives) 3.5
- Seconds 5
- Seed, The 2.5
- Seedpeople 3
- Sentinel, The 3 (2)
- Seoul Station 3.5
- Serial Mom 4
- Series Of Unfortunate Events, A 3
- Sermon, The (short) 3.5
- Serpent And The Rainbow, The 3
- Shadow Of The Vampire 4
- Shakma 2.5
- Shallow Creek Cult 1
- Shallow Grave 4
- Sharknado 5
- Shaun Of The Dead 4.5 (5/2)
- She Walks The Woods 2
- Shed, The 3
- Shelley 2.5
- Shepherd 3
- Shining, The (1980) 5 (9/2)
- Shining, The (1997) 4
- Shirley 5
- Shivers 4
- Shock (1946) 3.5
- Shock Waves 4.5 (5)
- Shooting, The 4
- Shortwave 3
- Shriek Of The Mutilated 4
- Shrine, The 3.5
- Shrooms 3.5 (2)
- Shutter (2004) 4.5 (2)
- Shutter Island 2
- Sick 3
- Sick Girl 3.5
- Signs 4
- Sightseers 4 (2)
- Silence Of The Lambs 3.5
- Silent Night, Deadly Night 4
- Silent Rage 2.5
- Silent Retreat 2
- Silent Scream, The 4 (3)
- Silver Bullet 2.5
- Sint 2
- Sissy 3.5
- Sister Death 3
- Sisters (1972) 3.5
- Six Murderous Beliefs 1
- Sixth Sense, The 4.5
- Skeleton Key, The 3.5
- Skin I Live In, The 4.5 (3)
- Skinamarink .5
- Slapface 3.5
- Slave Of The Cannibal God 2.5
- Sleepaway Camp 5 (9/3)
- Sleepaway Camp 2: Unhappy Campers 2
- Slither 4
- Slugs 4 (4/2)
- Slumber Party Massacre, The (1982) 4 (5/2)
- Slumber Party Massacre (2021) 3.5
- Slumber Party Massacre II 3.5
- Slumber Party Massacre III 2
- Smile 3.5
- Smiling Woman (short) 3.5
- Smiling Woman 2 (short) 3
- Smiling Woman 3 (short) 3
- Smiling Woman 4 (short) 3
- Smiling Woman 5 (short) 3
- Smiling Woman 6 (short) 3
- Smoke And Mirrors: The Story Of Tom Savini 2.5
- Some Guy Who Kills People 3.5
- Sometimes Aunt Martha Does Dreadful Things 1
- Southbound 3.5
- Spasmo 3
- Speak No Evil 3
- Special, The 3.5
- Spectre 2.5
- Spell 3
- Spiral 2.5
- Splinter 3.5 (3/2)
- Split 3.5
- Spoorloos 3.5
- Squirm 3.5
- Staircase, The 3.5
- Stanley 4 (2)
- Starry Eyes 3.5
- Steel And Lace 2
- Stepfather, The (1987) 3.5
- Stepfather 2 2.5
- Stepfather 3 2.5
- Stepford Wives, The (1975) 3.5
- Stephen King: A Necessary Evil 3.5
- Stitches 3.5
- Stoker 3
- Strait-Jacket 5
- Strange Darling 4
- Strange Vice Of Mrs. Wardh, The 3
- Stranger In Our House 2.5
- Strangers, The 2.5
- Stuff, The 4 (4/2)
- Stung 3
- Substance, The 4.5
- Sudden Terror 3
- Suddenly, Last Summer 4.5 (2)
- Suitable Flesh 2.5
- Summer Camp Nightmare 1.5
- Sun Choke 4 (2)
- Sunset Boulevard 4.5
- Surreal Broadcast (analog horror) 3
- Super 8 2
- Suspiria (1977) 5
- Suspiria (2018) 4.5
- Swamp Thing 3.5
- Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street (2007) 4.5 (6/2)
- Sword Of Doom 4.5