So I started this list back in 2016 when This Humble Podcast was a mere blog called Blogferatu. It began as something to do whenever I was bored but quickly became a calling, nay a weird compulsion, nay an obsession, to create a list. A list of what? All the horror movies I've ever seen. Every. Single. One.

And post it. For all the world to see.

Of course, I had to rate them.

Skull Scale

1  Had potential, still sucked

2  Not completely sorry I watched it

3  Middle of the road

4  Well worth seeing

5  Required viewing, class. This will be on the test

This is utterly subjective. A high score may not indicate artistic genius. A low score may not indicate raging incompetence. For your further amusement and bemusement, with movies I've seen multiple times, I've included that number in parentheses. When accompanied by a slash and a second number, that's how many times I saw the movie back to back in the theater (because I know you're dying to have all this information).

Eventually, I will also link movies from the podcast to their individual episodes. Cuz I'm a giver.

Please leave comments, ask questions, suggest movies, speculate about my taste/judgment/sanity. Movies get added all the time (hence "neverending") so check back often. Or not. Kiss kiss, -JT

  1. #Alive  3.5
  2. #Float  1
  3. 3 From Hell  2.5
  4. 13 Scarier Movie Moments  4
  5. 24 X 36  4
  6. 28 Days Later  4  (4/2)
  7. 28 Weeks Later  3  (2)
  8. 30 Days Of Night  2
  9. 30 Even Scarier Movie Moments  4
  10. 31  4
  11. 78/52: Hitchcock’s Shower Scene  5  (2)
  12. 101 Scariest Horror Movie Moments Of All Time  3.5  (3)
  13. 1922  3
  14. 1984 (1984)  4
  15. 2001 Maniacs  5
  16. 4D Man  2.5
  17. 5th Wave, The  1
  18. 7th Victim, The  4
  19. 10th Victim, The 4
  20. 11th Hour Cleaning  2.5
  21. Abbatoir  3
  22. Abducted In Plain Sight  4
  23. Abe (short)  4  (12)
  24. Abigail  3
  25. Above Majestic  3
  26. Addams Family, The (1991)
  27. Addams Family Values  1
  28. Adult Swim Yule Log  2.5
  29. Afflicted  3
  30. After.Life  3
  31. Aftermath (1994)  3  (2)
  32. AGFA Horror Trailer Show, The  4
  33. Akira  3
  34. Albert Fish: In Sin He Found Salvation  2
  35. Alexandra's Project  4
  36. Alien  5  (4/2)
  37. Alison's Birthday  3
  38. All My Friends Hate Me  3
  39. All That We Destroy  3
  40. All The Boys Love Mandy Lane  3
  41. All The Colors Of Giallo  2
  42. Allegoria  3.5
  43. Alone In The Dark  3
  44. Altered States  5  (3/2)
  45. American Gothic  3
  46. American Mary  4
  47. American Nightmare, The  4
  48. American Psycho  4  (4)
  49. American Scary  3
  50. American Werewolf In London, An  4  (2/2)
  51. American Werewolf In Paris, An  2.5
  52. Amityville Haunting, The  2
  53. Amusement  3
  54. And Soon The Darkness  4
  55. Andromeda Strain, The  3
  56. Anguish (1987)  3
  57. Another Earth  2
  58. Antiviral  4
  59. Antrum  4
  60. Ants  1.5
  61. Apaches  5
  62. Apartment 7A  3
  63. Apollo 18  3
  64. Apology, The  4
  65. Apostle  4.5
  66. Appendage (short)  2.5
  67. April Fool's Day (1986)   3.5  (2)
  68. Arachnophobia  3  (3)
  69. Arlington Road  4
  70. Army Of Darkness  4  (4)
  71. Arnold (1973)  5
  72. Arsenic And Old Lace  4  (8)
  73. Art Of The Devil  3
  74. As Above, So Below  4
  75. Astro-Zombies, The  5 (cuz Tura Satana)
  76. Asylum  4
  77. At The Earth's Core  3
  78. Attack Of The 50 Foot Monster Mania  3
  79. Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes  2.5
  80. Audition  5  (3)
  81. Autopsy Of Jane Doe, The  4
  82. Await Further Instructions  4
  83. Babadook, The  4  (2)
  84. Baby Jane?  4
  85. Baby Oopsie  2
  86. Baby's Room, The  3
  87. Babylon (analog horror)  3.5
  88. Bad Moon  3.5
  89. Bad Seed, The (1956)  5  (6)
  90. Bad Vegan: Fame. Fraud. Fugitives.  3.5
  91. Ballad Of Tam Lin, The  2  (4)
  92. Banana Splits Movie, The  3
  93. Barbarella  4  (4/2)
  94. Barbarian  4
  95. Barn Of The Naked Dead  1
  96. Bartleby (1972)  1
  97. Bartleby (2001)  3
  98. Basket Case  2.5
  99. Battle Beyond The Sun  0
  100. Bay, The  3
  101. Bay Of Blood, A  4 (as a forerunner for later movies)
  102. Beast From Haunted Cave  5  (3)
  103. Beastmaster  4  (5)
  104. Becky  3.5
  105. Beetlejuice  5  (5/2)
  106. Beginning Of The End  5
  107. Beguiled, The (1971)  3  (3)
  108. Beguiled, The (2017)  3
  109. Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon 3
  110. Behind The Sightings  3
  111. Ben  2  (2)
  112. Beneath  2
  113. Berberian Sound Studio  3
  114. Berlin Syndrome  3.5
  115. Berserk!  4  (2)
  116. Best Of Sex And Violence, The  1
  117. Better Watch Out  3
  118. Beware! The Blob  3  (2)
  119. Beware The Lake  .5
  120. Beyond, The  3
  121. Beyond Re-Animator  2.5
  122. Beyond The Spectrum  3
  123. Big Man Japan  4  (2)
  124. Big Trouble In Little China  5  (8/3)
  125. Billy The Kid Vs. Dracula  2  (2)
  126. Birds, The  5  (6)
  127. Bird With The Crystal Plumage, The  5  (3)
  128. Birth Of The Living Dead  1
  129. Bite  4
  130. Bitter Feast  3
  131. Blacula  1
  132. Black Belly Of The Tarantula  2
  133. Black Cat, The (1934)  3  (4)
  134. Black Christmas (1974)  3  (3)
  135. Black Christmas (2019)  3
  136. Black Mirror: Black Museum  3.5
  137. Black Mirror: Crocodile  4
  138. Black Mirror: Demon 79  3.5
  139. Black Mirror: Fifteen Million Merits  3.5
  140. Black Mirror: Nosedive  4
  141. Black Mirror: Playtest  4
  142. Black Mirror: Shut Up And Dance  5
  143. Black Mirror: The Waldo Moment  4
  144. Black Mirror: White Bear  4
  145. Black Mountain Side  3  (2)
  146. Black Phone, The  4
  147. Black Sabbath  3
  148. Black Sunday (1960)  4  (3)
  149. Black Swan  3  (2)
  150. Black X-mas (2006)  3
  151. Blackadder's Christmas Carol  5  (12)
  152. Blackcoat's Daughter, The  3
  153. Blackwood Evil  2
  154. Blade  2
  155. Blair Witch  3
  156. Blair Witch Project, The  2
  157. Blame  4
  158. Bleed  2
  159. Bleeding House, The  3
  160. Blight (short)  3  (3)
  161. Blob, The (1958)  4  (5)
  162. Blob, The  (1988)  4  (4/2)
  163. Blood & Flesh: The Reel Life & Ghastly Death Of Al Adamson  3
  164. Blood And Black Lace  4
  165. Blood Beach  4
  166. Blood Feast  5
  167. Blood For Dracula  2
  168. Blood Harvest  5
  169. Blood Of Dracula's Castle  .5 (3)
  170. Blood On Satan's Claw, The  4
  171. Blood On The Reel  1
  172. Blood Rage  3
  173. Blood Tide  3
  174. Bloody Birthday  3
  175. Blue Monkey  3
  176. Blue Velvet  5 (3/2)
  177. Boar  3
  178. Bodies Bodies Bodies  2
  179. Body, The  3
  180. Body Snatchers  3
  181. Boggy Creek Monster  2
  182. Bone Tomahawk  4 (2)
  183. Boogey Man, The (1979)  3.5
  184. Books Of Blood  3
  185. Border  3
  186. Borderland  1.5
  187. Borderlands, The  3
  188. Boy, The  3
  189. Boys From Brazil, The  4
  190. Braindead (aka Dead Alive) 2.5
  191. Bram Stoker's Dracula  3
  192. Breach, The  3
  193. Bride, The  2
  194. Bride Of Frankenstein, The  4.5  (3)
  195. Bride Of Re-Animator  2
  196. Brightburn 3.5
  197. Brimstone & Treacle  3
  198. Brood, The  4
  199. Bucket Of Blood, A  4
  200. Bug (1975)  2  (2)
  201. Bug (2006)  4
  202. Bunny Game, The  2
  203. Burn, Witch, Burn (aka Night Of The Eagle)  4 (3)
  204. Burning, The  3
  205. Burnt Offerings  3
  206. Burrowers, The  3
  207. Butterfly Kisses  3.5
  208. Cabin Fever (2002)  4  (3/2)
  209. Cabin Fever (2016)  2
  210. Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever  2
  211. Cabin Fever: Patient Zero  3.5
  212. Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari, The  5  (4)
  213. Cabinet Of Caligari  2
  214. Calibre  3
  215. Caligula  4  (3)
  216. Call Of Cthulhu, The  4  (2)
  217. Calvaire  4  (2)
  218. Cam  3
  219. Camera Phone  2
  220. Canal, The  3
  221. Candy Corn  1
  222. Candy Snatchers, The  1
  223. Cannibal Ferox  0
  224. Cannibal Holocaust  0
  225. Capsules  2
  226. Carny (2009)   1
  227. Carrie (1976)  5  (4)
  228. Carrie (2002)  3
  229. Carrie (2013)  3
  230. Cask Of Amontillado  4
  231. Cat People (1982)  3
  232. Catacombs  2.5
  233. Cat's Eye  3
  234. Cell  2
  235. Celluloid Bloodbath  2
  236. Cemetery Man  4  (3)
  237. Changeling, The (1980)  4  (4)\
  238. Charlie And The Chocolate Factory  3.5  (5)
  239. Cheap Thrills  3
  240. Child, The (1977)  1.5
  241. Children, The (1980)  4
  242. Children, The (2008)  3
  243. Children Of The Corn  5  (2)
  244. Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things  2.5
  245. Chiller 13: Horror's Creepiest Kids  2.5
  246. Chillerama  1
  247. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang  1
  248. Christine  4
  249. Christmas Bloody Christmas  3
  250. Christmas Carol, A (1938)  3
  251. Christmas Carol, A ( aka Scrooge, 1951)  5  (9)
  252. Christmas Carol, A (1984)  3  (2)
  253. Christmas Carol, A (1999)  4
  254. Christmas Evil 3
  255. Christmas Horror Story, A  3
  256. Christmas Tale, A  3
  257. Church, The  3.5
  258. Circus Of Fear  3
  259. City Of The Dead  3
  260. City Of The Living Dead  3
  261. Class Of 1999  2
  262. Cleaning Lady, The  3.5
  263. Cleansing Hour, The  3.5
  264. Clockwork Orange, A  5  (10)
  265. Close Your Eyes (aka Doctor Sleep)  3.5
  266. Cloverfield Paradox, The  3
  267. Clown  3.5
  268. Clowntergeist  1.5
  269. Coherence  4
  270. Collector, The  3
  271. Color Out Of Space, The (2019)  4 (3)
  272. Colour From The Dark  3
  273. Colour Out Of Space (2010)  4
  274. Come Out And Play  4
  275. Commune (short)  5  (3)
  276. Conjuring, The  3
  277. Conjuring II, The  3
  278. Conspiracy, The  4
  279. Constantine  3.5
  280. Constantine: City Of Demons  3.5
  281. Contagion  4
  282. Cooties  2.5
  283. Coraline  5  (3)
  284. Corman's World  3
  285. Corpse Grinders, The  5
  286. Corridor, The  3
  287. Corruption  3
  288. Crackle Of Death  3
  289. Craft, The: Legacy  2.5
  290. Cramps: Live At Napa State Mental Hospital, The  5
  291. Cran, The  3.5
  292. Crawling Eye, The  4  (3)
  293. Crazies, The (1973)  4  (2)
  294. Crazies, The (2010)  3
  295. Creature From The Black Lagoon  5  (10)
  296. Creature From The Haunted Sea  1
  297. Creature Walks Among Us, The  2
  298. Creep  4  (3)
  299. Creep 2  2
  300. Creeping Terror, The  .5
  301. Creepshow  5  (9/2)
  302. Creepshow II  4  (5)
  303. Crime Scene: The Vanishing At The Cecil Hotel  4
  304. Crimes Of Passion  4  (2)
  305. Crimson Peak  3
  306. Cronos  4  (2)
  307. Crow Valley  2
  308. Cthulhu  1
  309. Cube  4
  310. Cube II: Hypercube  3
  311. Cube Zero  3.5
  312. Cujo   3
  313. Cult Following  1
  314. Culture Shock  3.5
  315. Cure For Wellness, A  3.5
  316. Curse, The (1987)  3 (plus 13-year-old Wil Wheaton)
  317. Curse Of The Werewolf, The  2.5
  318. Curtains  3
  319. Cutting Class  1
  320. Cypress Beauty (analog horror)  4
  321. Damien: The Omen II  2.5
  322. Dark City  3.5
  323. Dark Dungeons  1
  324. Dark Flower  2
  325. Dark Mountain  3
  326. Dark Night Of The Scarecrow 2: Straweyes  .5
  327. Dark Shadows  3
  328. Dark Song, A  3.5
  329. Dark Spell  2.5
  330. Dark Tapes, The  3
  331. Darkman  4
  332. Dashcam  2
  333. Dawn Of The Dead (1978) 4  (2)
  334. Day Of The Beast, The  3.5
  335. Day Of The Triffids, The  4  (2)
  336. Day The Earth Froze, The  5  (2)
  337. Day The Earth Stood Still, The (1951)  5  (7)
  338. Dead And Breakfast  2  (2)
  339. Dead And Buried  3.5
  340. Dead Don't Die, The  3
  341. Dead Man's Shoes  3
  342. Dead Men Walk  3.5
  343. Dead Of Night (1945)  4  (3)
  344. Dead Of Winter  4  (2)
  345. Dead Ringer  4  (3)
  346. Dead Ringers  3.5  (3/2)
  347. Dead Silence  3.5  (2/2)
  348. Dead Snow  4
  349. Dead Space: Downfall  3
  350. Dead Whisper  4
  351. Deadhouse Dark  3
  352. Deadly Blessing  3.5
  353. Deadly Friend  3.5  (3)
  354. Deadstream  3.5
  355. Death Becomes Her  3
  356. Death Game  5  (2)
  357. Death Proof  4  (4)
  358. Death Race 2000  5  (6)
  359. Deathdream  3.5
  360. Deep House, The  3
  361. Deep Red  4.5
  362. Deep Space  2
  363. Deliverance  5  (10)
  364. Delivery: The Beast Within  3.5
  365. Dementia  3
  366. Dementia 13  4  (2)
  367. Demon  4
  368. Demon And The Mummy  3
  369. Demon Seed  3
  370. Demonia  2
  371. Demons  3
  372. Dentist, The  3.5  (4/2)
  373. Dentist II, The  3.5
  374. Deranged  3.5
  375. Descent, The  2.5
  376. Desolate  2.5
  377. Desperation  3
  378. Destroy All Monsters  4  (3)
  379. Devil Doll (1964)  5
  380. Devil In The Family: The Fall Of Ruby Franke  4
  381. Devil Rides Out, The  3
  382. Devil We Know, The  3
  383. Devils, The  5  (2)
  384. Devil's Bath, The  3.5
  385. Devil's Doorway, The  3
  386. Devil's Pass (The Dyatlov Pass Incident)  3
  387. Devil's Rejects, The  5  (5/2)
  388. Devil's Workshop  3.5
  389. Diabolique  5
  390. Diary Of The Dead  2
  391. Die! Die! My Darling!  3.5
  392. Die, Monster, Die!  3.5  (3)
  393. Digging Up The Marrow  3
  394. Direct To Video: Straight To Video Horror Of The 90s  3.5
  395. Dirties, The  3.5
  396. District 9  3.5  (2/2)
  397. Disturbia  2
  398. Doctor Sleep  4
  399. Documenting The Witch Path  -5
  400. Doll Graveyard  2.5
  401. Dolls  3.5
  402. Dolores Claiborne  3.5  (3/2)
  403. Donkey Punch  1
  404. Donnie Darko  4  (3/2)
  405. Don't Breathe  2.5
  406. Don't F**k With Cats: Hunting An Internet Killer  4
  407. Don't Hang Up 3.5
  408. Don't Look In The Basement  3.5
  409. Don't Look Now  5  (2)
  410. Don't Torture A Duckling  4
  411. Dorian Gray (1970)  3.5
  412. Double Blind  3
  413. Down  3
  414. Dr. Cyclops  3.5
  415. Dr. Death: The Undoctored Story  4
  416. Dr. Giggles  3
  417. Dr. Phibes Rises Again  4  (3)
  418. Dr. Strangelove  5  (5)
  419. Dr. Terror's House Of Horrors  3 (3)
  420. Dracula (1931)  3  (3)
  421. Drag Me To Hell  3  (2/2)
  422. Drawing Flies  2
  423. Dressed To Kill  3.5
  424. Driller Killer, The  3.5
  425. Drop Dead Gorgeous  3
  426. Droving, The  3
  427. Duel  4  (2)
  428. Dunwich Horror, The (1970)  1
  429. Dunwich Horror, The (2009)  2
  430. Eaten Alive  4
  431. Effects  2
  432. Eight Immortals Restaurant: The Untold Story  3
  433. Elysium  3.5  (3)
  434. Emotion (short)  3.5
  435. Empire Of The Ants  2
  436. Endless, The  3.5
  437. Enduring Love  4
  438. Equinox  5 (as influence on Evil Dead)
  439. Eraserhead  5  (2)
  440. Europa Report  3.5  (2)
  441. Even Lambs Have Teeth  3
  442. Evening With Edgar Allan Poe, An  3.5  (2)
  443. Event Horizon  3.5
  444. Eve's Bayou  3.5
  445. Everything Is Terrible Presents: The Great Satan  3
  446. Evidence (2012)  2
  447. Evil Clergyman, The  3
  448. Evil Dead, The (1981)  5  (6)
  449. Evil Dead 2  4
  450. Evil Dead (2013)  3.5  (2)
  451. Evil Dead Rise  3.5
  452. Exam  3
  453. Exorcism Of Emily Rose, The  3
  454. Exorcist, The  5
  455. Exorcist III  4
  456. Extraordinary Tales  4
  457. Eyeball  3.5
  458. Eyes Without A Face  4
  459. Faces Of Death 2  1
  460. Facing East  3
  461. Fade To Black  3.5
  462. Fall  3
  463. Fall Of The House Of Usher, The  3
  464. Falling, The  3.5
  465. Fantasy Island  2.5
  466. Fascination  2
  467. Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!  5  (5)
  468. Favourite, The  2
  469. Fawn  3
  470. Fear Footage, The  2.5
  471. Fear No Evil  4  (3)
  472. Feast  3.5
  473. Fido  3
  474. Field In England, A  4.5
  475. Fiend Without A Face  3
  476. Fight Club  5  (3/2)
  477. Film House Fever  3
  478. Final, The  3.5
  479. Final Conflict, The: Omen III  2.5
  480. Final Sacrifice, The  2 (bonus Rowsdower point)
  481. Finishing Line, The  3
  482. FirstBorn  2
  483. First Omen, The  4
  484. Five Nights At Freddy's  3.5
  485. Flannery  3
  486. Flatliners (1989)  3
  487. Flatwoods Monster: A Legacy Of Fear, The  2
  488. Flesh & Blood  2
  489. Flesh For Frankenstein  3
  490. Flock, The  .5
  491. Flora  3
  492. Fly, The (1958)  4  (3)
  493. Fly, The (1986)  4  (3/2)
  494. Fog, The (1980)  3.5  (2/2)
  495. Fog City  2
  496. Follow Me  3
  497. Followed  3
  498. Followers  3
  499. Fool's Fire  3.5
  500. Forget Me Not  3
  501. Found Footage 3D  3
  502. Found Footage Phenomenon, The  4
  503. Frailty  3.5
  504. Frankenstein (1931)  5  (4)
  505. Frankenstein (1994)  3
  506. Frankenstein Conquers The World  4
  507. Frazier Park Recut  3.5
  508. Freaks  5  (5)
  509. Freaky  2.5
  510. Freddy Vs. Jason  2.5
  511. Free Fall, The  3.5
  512. Freeze  1
  513. Frenzy  3
  514. Fresh  4
  515. Friday The 13th (1980)  3.5  (4/2)
  516. Friday The 13th (2009)  3.5
  517. Friday The 13th Part II  3  (3)
  518. Friday The 13th Part III  2.5
  519. Friday The 13th Part IV: The Final Chapter  2
  520. Friday The 13th Part V: A New Beginning  2
  521. Friday The 13th Part VI: Jason Lives  2
  522. Friday The 13th Part VII: The New Blood  2.5
  523. Friday The 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan  1.5
  524. Fright Night (1985)  4  (3/2)
  525. Frightmare  4
  526. Frogs  4.5  (4)
  527. From A House On Willow Street  3.5
  528. From A Whisper To A Scream  3.5
  529. From Dusk Til Dawn  4.5  (4/2)
  530. Frozen (2010)  3
  531. Funhouse, The  2
  532. Fury Of The Demon  4
  533. Gags The Clown  3.5
  534. Galaxy Of Terror   5  (3/2)
  535. Gappa, The Triphibian Monster  3.5
  536. Gate, The  3.5
  537. Gate II, The  1
  538. German Angst 3.5
  539. Get Out  5  (5/2)
  540. Getaway  3.5
  541. Ghost Galleon, The  3
  542. Ghost Ship (2002)  3.5
  543. Ghost Story  4  (2/2)
  544. Ghost Story, A  3
  545. Ghostbusters  4  (6/2)
  546. Ghostbusters 2  3  (2)
  547. Ghostland  4
  548. Ghostwatch  4
  549. Ghoul, The  3.5
  550. Giant Claw, The  5
  551. Giant Gila Monster, The  .5
  552. Girl In The Picture  3.5
  553. God Told Me To  3
  554. Godzilla (1954)  5  (4)
  555. Godzilla Vs. Megalon  5  (2)
  556. Godzilla Vs. The Smog Monster  1
  557. Going Clear: Scientology And The Prison Of Belief  4
  558. Gone Girl  3.5
  559. Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum  3
  560. Goodnight Mommy  4
  561. Good Son, The  3.5
  562. Good Tidings  3.5
  563. Gorgo  3
  564. Gorgon, The  3
  565. Gothic  3.5  (2)
  566. Gothic World Of Daphne De Maurier, The  3
  567. Grapes Of Death, The  3.5
  568. Grave Encounters  3.5
  569. Grave Encounters II  3.5
  570. Graveyard Shift  3.5  (3)
  571. Greasy Strangler, The  4
  572. Green Inferno, The  2
  573. Green Slime, The  4.5
  574. Gremlins  3.5  (2)
  575. Grindhouse Nightmares  1
  576. Growth  3
  577. Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio  4.5
  578. Hail Satan?  4.5  (3)
  579. Halloween (1978)  5  (10/4)
  580. Halloween (2007)  4  (3/2)
  581. Halloween (2018) 4
  582. Halloween II (1981) 3.5  (2/2)
  583. Halloween II  (2009)  3.5  (2/2)
  584. Halloween III: Season Of The Witch  4  (3/2)
  585. Halloween IV  2
  586. Halloween V  1
  587. Halloween H20: 20 Years Later  3
  588. Halloween Ends  3.5
  589. Halloween Kills  1.5
  590. Halloween: Resurrection  2
  591. Halloween: The Curse Of Michael Myers  2.5
  592. Hand, The (1981)  3.5
  593. Happening, The  1.5
  594. Happy Death Day  3.5
  595. Happy Death Day 2U  3
  596. Harbinger Down  2
  597. Hard Candy  4
  598. Harold And Maude  5  (3)
  599. Harrow, The  3
  600. Hatchet  3
  601. Hatchet 2  2
  602. Hatchet 3  2
  603. Hatchet For A Honeymoon  3
  604. Haunted World Of El Superbeasto, The  4  (3)
  605. Haunters: The Art Of The Scare  3.5
  606. Haunting, The (1963)  4
  607. Haunting, The (1999)  3
  608. Haunting In Silver Falls, A  2.5
  609. Haunting Of Molly Hartley, The  3  (2)
  610. Hausu  5
  611. Häxan  5  (4)
  612. He Never Died  3.5
  613. Head Of The Family  2
  614. Heavy Metal  4  (4)
  615. Heavy Metal 2000  2
  616. Heidi (2014)  2
  617. Hell House LLC  3.5
  618. Hell House II: The Abaddon Hotel  3
  619. Hell House III: Lake Of Fire  2
  620. Hell Night  3
  621. Hellbound: Hellraiser 2  3.5  (3/2)
  622. Hellboy  3.5
  623. Hellboy (2019)  3
  624. Hellboy II: The Golden Army  3
  625. Hellions  2
  626. Hellraiser (1987) 4  (5/3)
  627. Hellraiser (2022)  4
  628. Hell's Bells: The Dangers Of Rock n' Roll  1
  629. Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer  4
  630. Heretic  3.5
  631. He's Out There  2
  632. Hide The Monster  3
  633. Hidden  3  (2)
  634. Hidden, The  3  (2/2)
  635. Hidden 2, The  2
  636. High Anxiety  3.5  (2)
  637. High-Rise  3.5
  638. High Tension  3.5
  639. Hills Run Red, The  3
  640. History Of Horror, A  3
  641. Hitchcock/Truffaut  5  (4)
  642. Hitcher, The  3.5  (2/2)
  643. Hoax  3
  644. Holy Ghost People (1967)  3.5
  645. Holy Ghost People (2013)  2.5
  646. Holy Hell  3
  647. Homicidal  5  (7)
  648. Honeydew  3
  649. Honeymoon  3.5
  650. Honeymoon Killers, The  4
  651. Horrible Way To Die, A  2
  652. Horror Express  2  (3)
  653. Horror Noire: A History Of Black Horror  5
  654. Horror Of It All, The  3
  655. Host  3
  656. Host, The  4  (2)
  657. Hostel  4.5  (3/2)
  658. Hostel 3  2.5
  659. Hot Fuzz  3.5  (2/2)
  660. House (1985)  3.5  (3/2)
  661. House (2008)  2.5
  662. House II  3
  663. House By The Cemetery, The  3
  664. House In Between, The  3
  665. House In Sherwood, The  ouse Next Door, The (2006)  3
  666. House Next Door, The  3
  667. House Of 1000 Corpses  3.5
  668. House Of Dark Shadows  2  (3)
  669. House Of The Devil  3
  670. House Of Usher  3
  671. House Of Wax (2005)  2.5
  672. House Of Whipcord  3.5
  673. House On Haunted Hill (1959)  3.5  (3)
  674. House On Haunted Hill (1999)  3
  675. House On Mansfield Street, The  2
  676. House That Dripped Blood, The  3
  677. Houses October Built, The  3.5
  678. Houses October Built II, The  3
  679. How Awful About Allan  3  (2)
  680. How The Devil Got His Horns: A Diabolical Tale  4  (3)
  681. Howard's Mill  3.5
  682. Howling, The  3.5
  683. Howling II: Your Sister Is A Werewolf  2
  684. H.P. Lovecraft's Dreams In The Witch-House  3
  685. H.P. Lovecraft's Witch House  1.5
  686. Humanoids From The Deep  2.5
  687. Hunger, The  2
  688. Hush  3.5
  689. Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte  5  (6)
  690. Hypnotica (aka Doctor Sleep)  3
  691. I Am Legend  3
  692. I Bury The Living  3.5
  693. I Care A Lot  3.5  (2)
  694. I, Claudius  5
  695. I Didn't Come Here To Die  2.5
  696. I Drink Your Blood  4.5
  697. I Eat Your Skin  1
  698. I Know What You Did Last Summer  2
  699. I Saw The Devil  10
  700. I Spit On Your Grave (aka Day Of The Woman)  4.5  (3)
  701. I Spit On Your Grave (2010)  3
  702. I Spit On Your Grave II  2.5
  703. I Spit On Your Grave III: Vengeance Is Mine  3
  704. I Walked With A Zombie  2
  705. Ils (aka Them)  4.5  (2)
  706. I'm Thinking Of Ending Things  1
  707. Immaculate  2.5
  708. In A Glass Cage  3
  709. In Bruges  4
  710. In Search Of Darkness  4
  711. In Search Of Darkness: Part II  4
  712. In Search Of Darkness: Part III   5
  713. In The Forest  2.5
  714. In The Mouth Of Madness  3
  715. In The Shadow Of Kilimanjaro  2
  716. In The Tall Grass  3.5
  717. InAlienable  2.5
  718. Incident At Loch Ness  3
  719. Incident On And Off A Mountain Road  2.5
  720. Incredible Melting Man, The  4
  721. Incredible Shrinking Man, The  4
  722. Indigenous  2
  723. Infection  3.5
  724. Infernal Cauldron, The  3.5
  725. Infested  3.5
  726. Infinity Pool  4.5
  727. Innkeepers, The  2.5
  728. Inside  4.5
  729. Insidious  3
  730. Institute, The  2.5
  731. Interview With The Vampire  4.5  (4/2)
  732. Intruders  3.5
  733. Invaders From Mars (1986)  2
  734. Invasion Of The Bee Girls  4
  735. Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1956)  3.5
  736. Invasion Of The Body Snatchers  (1978)  4.5  (6/2)
  737. Invasion On Chestnut Ridge  3.5
  738. Investigation: A Haunting In Sherwood, The  1
  739. Invisible Man, The (1933)  5  (8)
  740. Invisible Man, The (2020)  4
  741. Invitation, The  3
  742. Irréversible  4
  743. It (1990 minseries)  3.5
  744. It (2017)  3.5
  745. It Follows  2
  746. It Lives In The Attic  2.5
  747. Itch (analog horror)  3
  748. Jac Mac And Rad Boy Go (short)  5  (10)
  749. Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday  2.5
  750. Jason X  3
  751. Jaws  5  (5/3)
  752. Jaws II  3  (3/2)
  753. Jaws 3D  1
  754. Jeffrey Dahmer Files, The  2.5
  755. Jennifer's Body  3
  756. Jeruzalem  3
  757. Jester, The, Ch. I (short)  3.5  (5)
  758. Jester, The, Ch. II (short)  3.5  (5)
  759. Jester, The, Ch. III (short)  3.5  (5)
  760. Jigsaw  3.5
  761. Jonestown: Paradise Lost  4
  762. Joy Ride 3  2
  763. Ju-on: The Grudge  3.5
  764. Jug Face  3
  765. Junji Ito Collection 3.5
  766. Junji Ito Collection: Tomie  3.5
  767. Jurassic Park  4  (2)
  768. Justice League Dark  3.5
  769. Justice League: Gods And Monsters  3.5
  770. K-Shop  3.5
  771. Kaleidoscope (series)  3.5
  772. Kalley's Last Review (short)  3.5
  773. Keep, The  4
  774. Keep Sweet: Pray And Obey  4.5
  775. Keepers, The  4
  776. Kill, Baby Kill  3.5
  777. Killer Eye, The  .5
  778. Killer Legends  3
  779. Killjoy  .5
  780. Kindred, The  2
  781. King Kong (1933)  5  (4)
  782. King Kong (1976)  2
  783. King Kong (2005)  2.5
  784. Kiss Of The Tarantula  4.5  (3)
  785. Knives Out  4
  786. Krampus  2
  787. Kwaidan  4.5
  788. La Llorona  3.5
  789. Laboratory Conditions  3.5
  790. Lady In A Cage  4.5
  791. Lady In The Water  3
  792. Lair Of The White Worm, The  4.5  (3)
  793. Lake Mungo  4
  794. Landing, The  2.5
  795. Larva  2.5
  796. Laserblast  4  (2)
  797. Last Broadcast, The  3
  798. Last Exorcism, The  3.5
  799. Last House On The Left, The (1972)  2  (2)
  800. Last House On The Left, The (2009)  2
  801. Last Lovecraft: Relic Of Cthulhu, The  2.5
  802. Last Man On Earth, The  2.5
  803. Last Shift  2.5
  804. Last Straw  2.5
  805. Late Night With The Devil  4.5
  806. Late Phases  3
  807. Laugh, Clown, Laugh  5
  808. Leap Of Faith: William Friedkin On The Exorcist  4
  809. Leatherface (2017)  4
  810. Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990)  2
  811. Leave Her To Heaven  5  (3)
  812. Legend  4  (3/2)
  813. Legend Of Boggy Creek, The  2
  814. Legend Of Hell House, The  3.5  (3)
  815. Legend Of The Seven Golden Vampires  4  (2)
  816. Legion  2.5
  817. Lesson, The  3.5
  818. Let's Be Evil  .5
  819. Let's Scare Jessica To Death  4  (2)
  820. Levenger Tapes, The  3
  821. Leviathan  2
  822. Life  2
  823. Lifeforce  3.5
  824. Lighthouse, The  4
  825. Lily C.A.T.  4.5
  826. Lips Of Blood  3  (2)
  827. Liquid Sky  4.5
  828. Lisa, Lisa (aka Axe)  2
  829. Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane, The  4
  830. Little Shop Of Horrors, The (1960)  2
  831. Little Shop Of Horrors (1986)  2
  832. Living Dead At Manchester Morgue, The  3.5
  833. Lo  3.5
  834. Lobster, The  1
  835. Locket, The  4.5
  836. Lodge, The  4
  837. Logan's Run  4
  838. Lokis: A Manuscript Of Professor Wittenbach  3
  839. Long Night, The  1.5
  840. Longest Yard, The (1974)  4
  841. Lord Of The Rings (1978)  4  (4/2)
  842. Lost Boys, The  4  (5/2)
  843. Lost Highway  4.5
  844. Lost Hope (short)  4
  845. Lost Weekend, The  5  (4)
  846. Love And Terror On The Howling Plains Of Nowhere  3.5
  847. Love Witch, The  4  (3/2)
  848. Loved Ones, The  3.5
  849. Lovely, Dark, And Deep  3
  850. Lupo The Butcher  5  (7)
  851. Lurking Fear  1.5
  852. M  5  (2)
  853. M3gan  3
  854. Ma  2
  855. Madison County  2
  856. MadS  4
  857. Madman  2
  858. Magic  4  (3/2)
  859. Magic Magic  3
  860. Malignant  3.5
  861. Mama  2
  862. Mandrake  3
  863. Manor, The  3.5
  864. Maniac Cop (1988)  3
  865. Maniac Cop 2   3.5
  866. Maniac Cop 3   3
  867. Manos: The Hands Of Fate  5  (7)
  868. Man Vs.  2.5
  869. Mandy  4
  870. Manhunter  4
  871. Margaux  1
  872. Mark Of The Devil  4  (3)
  873. Mars Attacks  3.5  (2/2)
  874. Marshes, The  1
  875. Mask, The (1961)  5  (4)
  876. Masque Of The Red Death, The  2.5  (5)
  877. Massacre At Central High  4.5  (4)
  878. Matango  3  (2)
  879. Mausoleum  2
  880. Maximum Overdrive  2.5
  881. Maxxxine  3.5
  882. Mayhem  3.5
  883. McKinney Family Tapes (analog horror)  3.5
  884. Memory: The Origins Of Alien  4
  885. Men  3
  886. Menu, The  5
  887. Meow (short)  3.5  (3)
  888. Mesa Of Lost Women  5  (3)
  889. Metamorphosis: The Alien Factor (aka Deadly Spawn II)  2.5
  890. Metropolis  5  (2)
  891. Mickey's Christmas Carol  1
  892. Midnight Mass  2.5
  893. Midnight Movies: From The Margin To The Mainstream  4
  894. Midsommar  5  (4
  895. Milk & Serial  4.5
  896. MK Ultra  1.5
  897. Mohawk  3
  898. Moloch  2.5
  899. Mom And Dad  3.5
  900. Mommy Dead And Dearest  3.5
  901. Mondo Bizarro  0
  902. Mondo Freudo  0
  903. Mondo Cane  0.5 (2)
  904. Monk, The  3.5
  905. Monkey Shines  3
  906. Monster House  3
  907. Monster Project, The  2
  908. Monsterland  2.5
  909. Monster Squad, The  3
  910. Monsters Gone Wild  2
  911. Monsters Wanted  3
  912. Monstrosity  4
  913. Moon And The Sledgehammer, The  4
  914. Moon Of The Wolf  2
  915. Moonstalker  2.5
  916. Moors Murders, The  3
  917. Mortal Remains  3
  918. Mortuary  2.5
  919. Most Beautiful Island  3.5
  920. Motel Hell  4.5  (3/2)
  921. Mother's Day (1980)  3
  922. Movie Hoarders: From VHS To DVD And Beyond  2.5
  923. Mr. Jones  3.5
  924. Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol  3.5  (12)
  925. Ms .45  3.5
  926. Mulholland Drive  4
  927. Mummy, The (1932)  4 (3)
  928. Mummy, The (1999)  3.5
  929. Mummy's Ghost, The  3
  930. Mumsy, Nanny, Sonny & Girly (aka Girly)  3.5
  931. My Amityville Horror  3.5
  932. My Bloody Valentine (1981)  3
  933. My Blood Valentine (2006)  2.5
  934. Mystics In Bali  4
  935. Naked You Die (aka The Young The Evil And The Savage)  1.5
  936. Nanny, The  4
  937. Nasty Piece Of Work, A  3.5
  938. Nature's Grave  1
  939. Navy SEALs: The Battle For New Orleans  .5
  940. Near Dark  4.5  (4/2)
  941. Necronomicon  3
  942. Needful Things  3.5
  943. Nefarious  1
  944. Nest, The (short)  4
  945. Nesting, The  3
  946. New Chilling Tales: The Anthology  3
  947. New Year, New You  3
  948. Nietzermann  3.5  (3)
  949. Night Creatures (aka Captain Clegg)  3
  950. Night Evelyn Came Out Of The Grave, The  3.5
  951. Night House, The  3.5
  952. Night Of Dark Shadows  2.5  (3)
  953. Night Of The Blood Beast  1
  954. Night Of The Comet  2  (2)
  955. Night Of The Creeps 5  (5)
  956. Night Of The Creeps 2: Zombietown  2
  957. Night Of The Demon (aka Curse Of The Demon)  5  (3)
  958. Night Of The Demons (1988)  4
  959. Night Of The Hunter  5  (3)
  960. Night Of The Lepus  5  (3)
  961. Night Of The Living Dead (1968)  5  (15)
  962. Night Of The Living Dead: Reanimated  1
  963. Night Of The Missing  2.5
  964. Night Of The Seagulls  3.5  (3)
  965. Night Stalker, The (1972)  4  (4)
  966. Night Strangler, The  3
  967. Nightbreed  3
  968. Nightmare  3.5
  969. Nightmare, The  3.5
  970. Nightmare Alley (1947)  5  (4)
  971. Nightmare Alley (2021)  4.5  (2)
  972. Nightmare Before Christmas, The  4  (6)
  973. Nightmare City 3.5
  974. Nightmare On Elm Street, A (1984)  2
  975. Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors  3  (2)
  976. Nightmares In Red, White And Blue  4  (2)
  977. No One Will Save You  4
  978. Nobodies, The  5
  979. Nocebo  2.5
  980. Nope  3.5
  981. Noroi: The Curse  4.5
  982. Northanger Abbey  2
  983. Nosferatu (1922)  5  (7)
  984. Nosferatu (1979)  4  (3)
  985. Not Just Fun & Games  1
  986. Not Quite Hollywood  4
  987. Not Of This Earth  2
  988. Nursery Rhyme  2.5
  989. Oblong Box, The  2
  990. Odd Thomas  3
  991. Of Unknown Origin  3  (2)
  992. Offseason  3.5
  993. Old Dark House, The  4
  994. Omen, The (1976)  3  (2)
  995. Omen, The  (2006)  2.5
  996. One Cut Of The Dead  4
  997. One Dark Night  2
  998. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest  5  (12)
  999. One Got Fat  2
  1000. One Hour Photo  4
  1001. One Remains  3
  1002. Only Lovers Left Alive  3.5
  1003. Onyx The Fortuitous And The Talisman Of Souls  3.5
  1004. Opera  3
  1005. Orca  2  (2)
  1006. Organ Trail  2
  1007. Orphan: First Kill 3.5
  1008. Orphanage, The  4
  1009. Other, The  3.5  (2)
  1010. Others, The  3.5
  1011. Otis  4
  1012. Ouija Experiment, The  2
  1013. Ouija: Origin Of Evil  3.5
  1014. Our Father  3
  1015. Outwaters, The  1.5
  1016. Over The Edge  3.5
  1017. Overlord  2.5
  1018. Owners, The  3.5  (3/3)
  1019. Pacific Heights  2.5
  1020. Pandorum  2.5
  1021. Pan's Labyrinth  5  (3)
  1022. Paper Man  2
  1023. Paradise Lost  .5
  1024. Paranormal Activity  4.5  (3)
  1025. Paranormal Activity 2  3.5
  1026. Paranormal Activity 3  3.5
  1027. Paranormal Activity 4  3
  1028. Paranormal Activity: Next Of Kin  3.5
  1029. ParaNorman  3.5
  1030. Parasite (2019)  4.5
  1031. Parasitic  2
  1032. Patients Of A Saint  3
  1033. Pearl  4.5
  1034. Peeping Tom  5  (3)
  1035. Pee-wee's Big Adventure  3.5
  1036. Penda's Fen  2
  1037. People Under The Stairs, The  3.5
  1038. Perfect Blue 4
  1039. Perfect Host, The  3.5
  1040. Perfect Crime: Leopold & Loeb, The  3
  1041. Perfection, The  3.5
  1042. Pet Sematary (1989)  3.5
  1043. Pet Sematary (2019)  3.5
  1044. Phantasm  4.5 (3)
  1045. Phantom From 10,000 Leagues  2
  1046. Phantom Of The Opera, The (1925)  5  (4)
  1047. Phantom Of The Opera (1943)  2.5
  1048. Phantom Of The Opera, The (2004)  2
  1049. Phantom Thread  4.5
  1050. Phase IV  3
  1051. Phenomena  3
  1052. Phoenix Forgotten  3.5
  1053. Phoenix Tapes '97, The  2.5
  1054. Photograph, A  3
  1055. Picture Of Dorian Gray, The  (1945)  4  (3)
  1056. Picture Of Dorian Gray, The  (1973)  3
  1057. Pieces  2
  1058. Piercing  4
  1059. Pig Farm, The 3
  1060. Piggy  4
  1061. Pigs (aka Daddy's Deadly Darling)  4
  1062. Pike County Murders: A Family Massacre, The 3.5
  1063. Pilgrim  3
  1064. Piñata: Survival Island  2  (3)
  1065. PIN  3.5
  1066. Pink Flamingoes  5  (2)
  1067. Piranha  2
  1068. Pit, The (1981)  3  (3)
  1069. Planet Terror  4
  1070. Play Misty For Me  4
  1071. Poltergeist (1982)  3.5  (3)\
  1072. Poltergeist 2: The Other Side  2
  1073. Pontypool  4  (2)
  1074. Pooka!  3.5  (3)
  1075. Popcorn  3.5
  1076. Popular Mechanics (short)  3.5
  1077. Possession, The  3
  1078. Predator: The Quietus  1
  1079. Premature Burial, The  3.5
  1080. Premonition, The  1.5
  1081. Prevenge  3.5
  1082. Primal  3
  1083. Primal Screen  3.5
  1084. Primer  4  (3)
  1085. Prince Of Darkness  3
  1086. Private Parts  3
  1087. Prom Night (1980)  2.5
  1088. Prophecy  3.5
  1089. Prophecy, The  4
  1090. Psycho (1960)  5  (25)
  1091. Psycho (1998)  2
  1092. Psycho II  4.5  (7/2)
  1093. Psycho III  3.5
  1094. Psycho IV  3
  1095. Psycho Beach Party  1
  1096. Pumpkinhead  2.5
  1097. Puppet Master  4
  1098. Pure  4
  1099. Pyewacket  3.5
  1100. Quarantine  2
  1101. Quatermass And The Pit  4
  1102. Quatermass 2  4
  1103. Quatermass Xperiment, The  4
  1104. Quicksilver Highway  3
  1105. Queen Of The Damned  2
  1106. Quiet Earth, The  4
  1107. Quiet Ones, The  3.5
  1108. Quiet Place, A  3.5
  1109. Rabid (2019)  4
  1110. Radium Girls  3
  1111. Ranger, The  2.5
  1112. Race With The Devil  3  (2)
  1113. Rage: Carrie 2, The  3
  1114. Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale  3.5  (2)
  1115. Rare Exports Inc. (short)  4  (4)
  1116. Rare Exports: The Official Safety Instructions (short)  4.5  (5)
  1117. Ratched  4.5
  1118. Rats  4  (2)
  1119. Ravenous (1999)  4
  1120. Ravenous (2017)  3.5
  1121. Raven's Hollow  3
  1122. Re-Animator  4.5
  1123. Ready Or Not  3.5
  1124. Real Cases Of Shadow People: The Sarah McCormick Story  1.5
  1125. Real Friend, A  3.5
  1126. Rear Window  4.5  (2)
  1127. REC  4
  1128. REC II  4
  1129. REC III: Genesis  3.5
  1130. REC IV: Apocalypse  3.5
  1131. Red Letter Day  3.5
  1132. Red Riding: The Year Of Our Lord 1974  3.5
  1133. Red Riding: The Year Of Our Lord 1980  4
  1134. Red Riding: The Year Of Our Lord 1983  4
  1135. Red State  4  (2)
  1136. Rejuvenatrix  1
  1137. Relic, The  3.5
  1138. Renfield  3.5
  1139. Reptile, The  4
  1140. Repo Man  4.5  (6)
  1141. Repulsion  5  (3)
  1142. Requiem For A Dream  4
  1143. Resident Evil: Extinction  2
  1144. Rest Stop. (2019 short)  4
  1145. Resurrected, The  3.5
  1146. Resurrection  4.5
  1147. Return Of The Fly  2.5
  1148. Return Of The Blind Dead (aka Attack Of The Blind Dead) 3.5
  1149. Return Of The Living Dead  4  (3)
  1150. Return To Horror High  3
  1151. Return To Oz  3
  1152. Revenge Of Frankenstein  3.5
  1153. Revenge Of The Creature  3.5  (3)
  1154. Revenge Of The Zombies  2
  1155. Rezort, The  2.5
  1156. Reversal Of Fortune  4.5
  1157. Revival Of Evil  1
  1158. Rig, The  1
  1159. Ring, The  4  (2)
  1160. Ritual, The  3.5
  1161. Rituals (aka The Creeper)  4  (3)
  1162. Robbie Ain't Right No More (short)  2.5
  1163. Robot Jox  3
  1164. Robot Monster  5  (2)
  1165. Rocky Horror Picture Show, The  5  (12)
  1166. Rodan  4  (3)
  1167. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story  4
  1168. Room 237  5  (3)
  1169. Rope  4.5  (2)
  1170. Rorschach  2
  1171. Rose Red  2.5
  1172. Ruby  2
  1173. Ruins, The  4  (2)
  1174. Rumpelstiltskin  2.5
  1175. Running Man, The  4  (3)
  1176. Sacrament, The  4
  1177. Sadness, The  3
  1178. Saloum  3.5
  1179. Saltburn  4.5
  1180. Santa Claus Conquers The Martians  0  (2)
  1181. Satan Wants You  3
  1182. Satanic Panic And The Religious Battle For The Imagination, The  3.5
  1183. Saturday The 14th  2
  1184. Savageland 4.5
  1185. Saw  4  (3)
  1186. Saw 3d
  1187. Saw II  (2)
  1188. Saw III
  1189. Saw IV
  1190. Saw V
  1191. Saw VI
  1192. Saw X
  1193. Scanners 2: The New Order  2
  1194. Scare Campaign  3
  1195. Scarecrows  2
  1196. Scariest Monsters In America  1
  1197. Scary Stories  3
  1198. Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark  3.5
  1199. Schizo  2.5
  1200. School Spirit  3
  1201. Scooby-Doo And The Witch's Ghost  3.5
  1202. Scooby-Doo Meets The Addams Family  3.5
  1203. Scooby-Doo On Zombie Island  4
  1204. Scream  2
  1205. Scream And Scream Again  1.5
  1206. Scream For Help  2.5
  1207. Scream Of Fear  4
  1208. Scrooge  (1935)  3  (3)
  1209. Scrooge  (1970)  2
  1210. Scrooged  2
  1211. Sea Fever  3
  1212. Season Of The Witch (aka Hungry Wives)  3.5
  1213. Seconds  5
  1214. Seed, The  2.5
  1215. Seedpeople  3
  1216. Sentinel, The  3  (2)
  1217. Seoul Station  3.5
  1218. Serial Mom  4
  1219. Series Of Unfortunate Events, A  3
  1220. Sermon, The (short)  3.5
  1221. Serpent And The Rainbow, The  3
  1222. Shadow Of The Vampire  4
  1223. Shakma  2.5
  1224. Shallow Creek Cult  1
  1225. Shallow Grave  4
  1226. Sharknado  5
  1227. Shaun Of The Dead  4.5  (5/2)
  1228. She Walks The Woods  2
  1229. Shed, The  3
  1230. Shelley  2.5
  1231. Shepherd  3
  1232. Shining, The (1980)  5  (9/2)
  1233. Shining, The (1997)  4
  1234. Shirley  5
  1235. Shivers  4
  1236. Shock (1946)  3.5
  1237. Shock Waves  4.5  (5)
  1238. Shooting, The  4
  1239. Shortwave  3
  1240. Shriek Of The Mutilated  4
  1241. Shrine, The  3.5
  1242. Shrooms  3.5  (2)
  1243. Shutter (2004)  4.5  (2)
  1244. Shutter Island  2
  1245. Sick  3
  1246. Sick Girl  3.5
  1247. Signs  4
  1248. Sightseers  4  (2)
  1249. Silence Of The Lambs  3.5
  1250. Silent Night, Deadly Night  4
  1251. Silent Rage  2.5
  1252. Silent Retreat  2
  1253. Silent Scream, The  4  (3)
  1254. Silver Bullet  2.5
  1255. Sint  2
  1256. Sissy  3.5
  1257. Sister Death  3
  1258. Sisters (1972)  3.5
  1259. Six Murderous Beliefs  1
  1260. Sixth Sense, The  4.5
  1261. Skeleton Key, The  3.5
  1262. Skin I Live In, The  4.5  (3)
  1263. Skinamarink  .5
  1264. Slapface  3.5
  1265. Slave Of The Cannibal God  2.5
  1266. Sleepaway Camp  5  (9/3)
  1267. Sleepaway Camp 2: Unhappy Campers  2
  1268. Slither  4
  1269. Slugs  4  (4/2)
  1270. Slumber Party Massacre, The (1982)  4  (5/2)
  1271. Slumber Party Massacre  (2021)  3.5
  1272. Slumber Party Massacre II  3.5
  1273. Slumber Party Massacre III  2
  1274. Smile  3.5
  1275. Smiling Woman (short)  3.5
  1276. Smiling Woman 2 (short)  3
  1277. Smiling Woman 3 (short)  3
  1278. Smiling Woman 4 (short)  3
  1279. Smiling Woman 5 (short)  3
  1280. Smiling Woman 6 (short)  3
  1281. Smoke And Mirrors: The Story Of Tom Savini  2.5
  1282. Some Guy Who Kills People  3.5
  1283. Sometimes Aunt Martha Does Dreadful Things  1
  1284. Southbound  3.5
  1285. Spasmo  3
  1286. Speak No Evil  3
  1287. Special, The  3.5
  1288. Spectre  2.5
  1289. Spell  3
  1290. Spiral  2.5
  1291. Splinter  3.5  (3/2)
  1292. Split  3.5
  1293. Spoorloos  3.5
  1294. Squirm  3.5
  1295. Staircase, The  3.5
  1296. Stanley  4  (2)
  1297. Starry Eyes  3.5
  1298. Steel And Lace  2
  1299. Stepfather, The (1987)  3.5
  1300. Stepfather 2  2.5
  1301. Stepfather 3  2.5
  1302. Stepford Wives, The (1975)  3.5
  1303. Stephen King: A Necessary Evil  3.5
  1304. Stitches  3.5
  1305. Stoker  3
  1306. Strait-Jacket  5
  1307. Strange Darling  4
  1308. Strange Vice Of Mrs. Wardh, The  3
  1309. Stranger In Our House 2.5
  1310. Strangers, The  2.5
  1311. Stuff, The  4  (4/2)
  1312. Stung  3
  1313. Substance, The  4.5
  1314. Sudden Terror  3
  1315. Suddenly, Last Summer  4.5  (2)
  1316. Suitable Flesh  2.5
  1317. Summer Camp Nightmare  1.5
  1318. Sun Choke  4  (2)
  1319. Sunset Boulevard  4.5
  1320. Surreal Broadcast (analog horror)  3
  1321. Super 8  2
  1322. Suspiria (1977)  5
  1323. Suspiria (2018)  4.5
  1324. Swamp Thing  3.5
  1325. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street (2007)  4.5  (6/2)
  1326. Sword Of Doom  4.5